My Soft Tree Like Coral Is Really Ill!


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
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I've had my tank runnig for about six months now with no significant problems. I have about 30kg of live rock. and a protein skimmer. I do have some cyanobacteria at the moment which has been in the tank on and off for a couple of months, not a large amount though and i get rid of it when i can. My levels of nitrate, nitrite, amonnia and phophate are usually good. I tested the tank a few days ago, and a week before that.

About a week ago my tree like soft coral shrank, as it does from time to time, except this time it has not inflated again for a whole week and has been looking steadily worse. To begin with, after it shrank one part of the coral looked a little white, and then the whole coral grandually began to be covered in a brown coloured mucus. Now it seems that the external layer of the coral, the part with all the polyps, on the opposite side to where it was white at the begining, has come off, leaving fleshy white branches. This is starting to happen more and more across the coral.

I also have a leather coral which shrinks from time to time going green, once for almost a week, and then it was perfectly fine. It was green and looked really bad yesterday with no polyps extended, but a little better today with the polyps out.

i told my lfs about the tree like coral shrinking a few days ago, before the flesh stated falling off, and they said that their one in their display tank shrank for a week and they were very worried, but it recovered to perfect health.

Help! i don't know what to do now?? to make matters worse i'm going away tomorrow for four days, leaving relatives to take care of the tank. i'm going to do a water change and have a look at the filter before i go though.
Yikes, that's not very cool. Gonna need a lot of info though, definitely sounds like an unhealthy coral. What is your lighting? Flowrate? Where is the coral in the tank? Chemistry? Tankmates? Tank Size?
Yikes, that's not very cool. Gonna need a lot of info though, definitely sounds like an unhealthy coral. What is your lighting? Flowrate? Where is the coral in the tank? Chemistry? Tankmates? Tank Size?

Lighting is made up of two white and two blue t8s.. i think, the normal ones anyway, marine specific of course, but not t5s.
FLow rate, i'm noy sure on the gph, but i have four koralia fans hooked up to timers, between two and three are on at anyone time. I'm even worried sometimes that there maybe too much flow, but ive adjusted them so that they do not cause any problems.
The coral is on top of a large amount of live rock, getting alot of ligh and a fair amount of flow, not too much though. it has been happy there for three to four months.
The water chemistry has been well within the acceptable parameters as far as i can tell for as long as i have had inhabitance in the tank. The pH last weekend was about 8.2-8.3, and the sg was like 1.023, i think. i can't test it now as i'm away and don't have the results with me..
The tankmates should be fine with it, a list is in my signature, but i did add a long black spine urchin to the tank a few weeks ago and was wondering if it poked the coral or something along those lines which led the coral to go like this.
The coral is in a 220l tank, and it is not crowded by anything or close to other corals. there is however a small infestation of these little brown anemones at its base, but they have been there for a while and have never done it any harm so far.
Would cutting off the bad parts of the coral be a good idea, because when i left, one half looked really bad and the other looked normal, just that it shrank?
Ah I see the problem here (or atleast a probable cause)

the little brown nem looking things at the base sound like apstasia which are a pest nem and tend to sting everything and normally if left win the chemical battle and kill everything close by off if left, a pic would be good so we can see for sure if its apstasia or google it and see if it is that, the only thing that you can buy to rid apstasia is joes juice which is easy and safe to use

there are other ways of exterminating apstasia but for quickness and ease this is probably your best bet right now

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