HA HA Its my 7 yr old sons room and hes Everton obsessive.funny thing is last Tuesday night a Liverpool scout came to watch him and they;re coming again tomorrow night lol he ain;t impressed!!
The boas doubled in weight since these pics shes great. sold the python this morning though as I had to choose one due to space restriction
Took spme pics thsi morning shes doubled in weight in last two months
they are beautiful sp. we had four rattle snakes when my dad lived with us 2pine snakes 5corns 3great plains rat snakes milk snake californian king 2 adult and 1 juvi western hognose 20+ emperor scorpions 4 praying mantis and 2 gekos (not keen on gekos.funny thing is i have never once been bitten or stung handled all of these.was a shame when the old man left as we didnt have a dwa license to keep the rattlers.i think if your gonna have snakes (with kids) get them from babies so the kid can get used to the growing lol
the kids have been great with the snakes and lizard
my son whos room they are in isn;t really interested and leaves em alone and my 5 yr olddaughter takes avery keen interest and I trust her to handle themwell especially the snakes
i used to be able to tie my snake in a (non-lethal) preztel knot and other things, i wish my guy was a constrictor instead of staying in your hands he just wants to go go go