my snail is dirty


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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:huh: i do not know what i am doing but all i know is that my snail is gettn dirty and i am woundering if i should use a toothbrush to clean him or just let him be :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: i have herd that fish need a slim coast to keep them nice and healthy but is this the same for snails :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
what do you mean dirty?
like algea growing on the shell? there's not much you can do about that. Just let it be. I guess you could brush it off if it really bothers you though
I try to do what I can to keep as many aspects of my fish's life as natural as realisticly possible. I betcha that snails get a little algea'ed up in the wild... and I bet nobody brushes them. I don't think you would hurt him if you did, but would scare the s&^! out of him for sure.
littlefishie said:
Let the snail be..
Only thing you can do is scare him if you try to clean him.

Or get another snail.. they can clean each other.
.... you just had to say it, didn't you littlefishie? :sick: you know someone's got photoshop running as we speak...

neontetra, i'd just leave it be. i'd imagine that your snail is quite happy just as he is. you know the saying: "don't fix what's not broken"
Hey, I'd run Photoshop myself and do it if I could be bothered! :lol: Sadly, I'm feeling lazy tonight.. I've played enough with photoshop this weekend.

Either get a snail to clean your current snail, or just leave him be.. it won't hurt anyone. ;)
ok sounds good thanks i like your ideas

and i have photoshop running at the momment
Little bit of algae won't hurt him. Here's a pic of one of my snails.


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