This is my small planted tank that ive just re-done. It has Co2, 2 15w lights and doseing with liquid ferts.
I have java moss growing at the front trying to see if it will cover the 2 terracotta pots, because i think it will look nice once grown into a carpet, if not then riccia will do the job
I have java fern and anubis nana growing on some lava rock, anubis nana growing on the wood and cabomba growing nicely at the back.
Only have a male guppy in atm, he may be staying in there or going back in my main tank. Hes been in there for over 3 weeks to help cycle the tank.
I will have the tank full of cherry shrimp this week hopefully, ive always wanted a nice small green tank full of red shrimp for some reason
Anyway heres some pics...
Its the first time ive ever got cabomba to pearl so chuffed with that. I think once afew cherries go in it will look good.
I have java moss growing at the front trying to see if it will cover the 2 terracotta pots, because i think it will look nice once grown into a carpet, if not then riccia will do the job
I have java fern and anubis nana growing on some lava rock, anubis nana growing on the wood and cabomba growing nicely at the back.
Only have a male guppy in atm, he may be staying in there or going back in my main tank. Hes been in there for over 3 weeks to help cycle the tank.
I will have the tank full of cherry shrimp this week hopefully, ive always wanted a nice small green tank full of red shrimp for some reason
Anyway heres some pics...
Its the first time ive ever got cabomba to pearl so chuffed with that. I think once afew cherries go in it will look good.