my silver doller


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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stoke on trent uk
i keep 8 silver doller and dont worry the tank is big enough but i am as you might say feeding them up ,they seem to eat like mad .
I just want them to grow big ,there growing alot just wondering how often i should do water changes and filter cleaning and is it ok to feed them alot.
i have 3 internall filters 1 big and 2 little ones.
25% water changes every week is a good start . every third week for the filter , just rotate the three filters.

Over feeding can cause nitrate to build up , IMO water changes key.

they can grow to around 6"[ depends on species though ]. How big are they now ?

How big is your tank ?

What kind make/rating of filters are we talking about ?

I wouldn't feed them any more then they can eat in 2 or 3 minutes 3 times a day .

I feed my fish only once a day , but that's me , I also purge my fish for a few days once in a while , but I don't keep silver dollars any more either. When I did I kept 2 red hooks and 3 metynnis [ red eye] in my 70 gal.

Feed them some Romain lettuce , they are big time plant eaters .
I feed mine cichlid pellets , spirlina sticks by Hagen, celery, cucumbers, pee's and they will eat guppies and other small fish even though they are veggies.

Three time a day. They eat alot. Great fish to have , My red hooks are my favorite of them all.
Look around a bit there are many species, they all mix well, and gives a little variation too.
>>> doesn't eat Lettus!

That's odd. SD's are notorious plant eaters, real lawn mowers.

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