Fish Connoisseur
When I moved, I hired people from a local lps. The owner of the lps and his son are reasonable fish people. But one of his helpers is an idiot. He did some of the stupidest things.
When he set up the tanks he was more interested in decorating them than making sure they were set up well for the fish.
He left the thermometers out or on the bottom of the tanks. Trying to catch up with everything that was left undone put me way behind.
After a few weeks I noticed that one tank was acting odd. I looked closely and saw that my two first Corys had rampant fungus and probably columnaris.
I started treating. Then during a water change I checked the heater. It was set at over 80 degrees!!!!!!
I adjusted the heater, did several cool water changes and started treating for columnaris.
I had already done a round of API Anti-Fungal and a round of API Triple Sulfa. So I started a new round of the API Anti-Fungal. These are the meds Bryan recommended when my green lasers got columnaris from an over heated tank. It worked then.
I was having to do it in the middle of my work week, and didn't double check the instructions. I ended up dosing sooner and harder than recommended. But they seemed to be handling it well, so I left the higher dose in and proceeded with the treatment. After the antifungal was completed and the temp had stabalized they looked better, but still not cured. So I did another round of the API Triple Sulfa.
It was a do or die. The little guys were covered over half of their bodies and the spots were almost gone. But the columnaris is gone and my little pair of cuties are slowly getting their color back. Everyone is happy. I am just delighted!
And one of the C. longipinnus from Frank in the tank above is round as a ball and flirting non stop. She is overheated for another reason. The boys are a little young and more interested in worms most of the time, but I expect that there will be longipinnus fry in my future. Frankly though I can not see that their fins are any longer than some of the peppers in the community tanks. But the longipinnus female appears to have a tannish yellow belly.
When he set up the tanks he was more interested in decorating them than making sure they were set up well for the fish.
He left the thermometers out or on the bottom of the tanks. Trying to catch up with everything that was left undone put me way behind.
After a few weeks I noticed that one tank was acting odd. I looked closely and saw that my two first Corys had rampant fungus and probably columnaris.
I started treating. Then during a water change I checked the heater. It was set at over 80 degrees!!!!!!
I adjusted the heater, did several cool water changes and started treating for columnaris.
I had already done a round of API Anti-Fungal and a round of API Triple Sulfa. So I started a new round of the API Anti-Fungal. These are the meds Bryan recommended when my green lasers got columnaris from an over heated tank. It worked then.
I was having to do it in the middle of my work week, and didn't double check the instructions. I ended up dosing sooner and harder than recommended. But they seemed to be handling it well, so I left the higher dose in and proceeded with the treatment. After the antifungal was completed and the temp had stabalized they looked better, but still not cured. So I did another round of the API Triple Sulfa.
It was a do or die. The little guys were covered over half of their bodies and the spots were almost gone. But the columnaris is gone and my little pair of cuties are slowly getting their color back. Everyone is happy. I am just delighted!
And one of the C. longipinnus from Frank in the tank above is round as a ball and flirting non stop. She is overheated for another reason. The boys are a little young and more interested in worms most of the time, but I expect that there will be longipinnus fry in my future. Frankly though I can not see that their fins are any longer than some of the peppers in the community tanks. But the longipinnus female appears to have a tannish yellow belly.