My Sick Betta Needs Your Help

i fed freezed dried blood worms. i couldn't find frozen one. it seems hard to swallow for him but he could eat a small piece.
thanks to everyone. i will wait and see.

I'm confused, is the betta living in the bowl or aquarium?

in the bowl :)

Soaking them before might help, or try looking for hikari betta pellets they overall have better nutrition, or even frozen daphia or you can try live brine shrimp once if you have to just to get him to eat. There should be some live food by you, even live blackworms could work. For a betta who's not eating well and is weak freeze dried food's will be pretty hard to swallow, live or frozen foods are easier to eat so that is why I suggested to find some of those. I had a betta the same way could not eat, and without frozen or live food he would have died from starvation from refusing to eat dry food. Once he recovered however he ate anything and everything now. :p

My guess is him being so pale was from water being too cold and that made him not eat, get weaker, and thats why he got so worse. I'm sure once the water is warmer and cleaner he will slowly be able to eat better and get stronger than be back to himself.

I know this thread wasnt about tank size, but clearly if the betta recovers and gets back to himself than the larger tank would be incredibly better than the bowl, to say it's not would be a lie, and we like to be honest here. :)
as for doing water changes, if that tank it is sitting in has a filter in it, simply tip the bowl water out into the tank and replace with tank water-couldnt be easier!

this was genius :)
stiring the gravel softly, showed the poo. it is as small as his eye and black, spherical (i played with it on tissue, it was dark green :) )
now it is also easy to remove waste foods
frozen daphia or you can try live brine shrimp once if you have to just to get him to eat. There should be some live food by you, even live blackworms could work.

Erm... live food. I don't think I can do that. But thanks for advice.

Looks like you have a perfectly good aquarium there, why not place him in that :)

because I want to observe better and he is sick so I don't want him to get tired going up-down. also i don't have plant where he could rest on it.
one more clue: he stays leaned since the beginning of sickness. any reason for this?
fortunately he eats blood worms. I've increased the water level. I took out one more poo. It was the same as before.
do you have any peas or broccoli? if so, feed him some cooked deshelled cut up peas (only a bit at a time) or the cooked tips (little green balls) of broccoli. he could be constipated causing him to lean and spit out his food. can also make them go pale (color fade) and seem uninterested in food. leaning is not normal behavior. can have a ballance issue if he is constipated. bettas should have nice rounded bellies and not be fat.bloated looking. unless you are feeding dark food, dark poo is an indicator. if he was otherwise eating fine up until now, anddoes not appear skinny, fast him for a few days after feeding a bit of the peas/broccoli.
has he just recently started leaning? drastic temerature swings can also cause swimbladder issues. they should sort themselves out if this is the case, even if he looks pathetic. just keep changing his water in his hospital bowl. the plant will definitely keep him comfortable and closer to the surface.
you 100% did the correct thing in isolating him on his own to better monitor his habits/symptoms/behavior. always best to do when you have a sick fish, even if they are on their own in their own tank-in case you have to treat with meds that will wipe the filter.
keep us updated.
it is over.

he is very very healthy today. color is bright again, and plays with me :hyper:

my betta thanks to you :)



I'm very sorry to say- but your betta needs a better enviroment. My betta is at 27 degrees- 14 is gold-fish temp!
Also, how big is your tank?

it is over.

he is very very healthy today. color is bright again, and plays with me :hyper:

my betta thanks to you :)




AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :lol: :good: :wub: B-) :D :D :D :D :D

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