My Shrimp

Just checked her this week and she shed and now she has a load of eggs AGAIN.....I even went to my LFS and they cannot identify her either.....I need a mate for her. The smaller ones I have are Japono or however you spell it

They were shocked at the size of her lol
Does she have a saddle or are the eggs already in her swimmerettes? If they are already in the swimmerettes, that means that the eggs have been fertilized. Shrimp develop a saddle first and then molt. After they molt, they release a toxin out into the water. Males go crazy when they detect it and can be seen swimming around frantically. After they mate, the female transfers the eggs to the swimmerettes where they will eventually hatch. If you do not detect any baby shrimp, it could be one of many reason. Some common causes are they hatch into a larvae form witch requires salt, they are getting eaten by fish, or the filter is killing them. It can also be a combination of these.
Ah ha...finally

Ok I noticed 5 days ago that she shed as I found her shell in the tank. Then a few days later I noticed she was carrying eggs in her underside. It may not have been exactly a few days or it could have even been a week later I am not sure.

She def has eggs and I can see her fanning them and she is very relaxed and not moving alot in the tank. Normally during feeding she goes nuts and is all over the bottom scurrying for her wafers. But at this precise moment she is not doing that.

I never see any signs that the eggs are fertile. I looked to see if there were any eyes or sure signs of features that would suggest they are fertile. I will try and do a video of her.

Thanks for this info.
It sounds like they are getting fertalised, they don't make it that far if they aren't.

Does she keep hold of the eggs for a few weeks or get rid of them after a few days? If it is only a few days there may be something wrong with the eggs, if not its probably one of the reasons in fish-aholic's post: They are getting eaten by fish, killed by the filter or need brackish water.
I have been watching her like a hawk and the eggs are not fertile...she has abondoned them again. I still wish someone could identify her. :crazy: :blink: :blink: :blink:
I think I am almost 100% sure that is the same. I could have taken those photos myself of mine as they are identical, the one with eggs especially and the shedded shell.

I did go to Pets at Home and they had a tag for "Freshwater Shrimp" and I am wondering if I may have got her there awhile ago before I knew better than to buy their stock lol
I did go to Pets at Home and they had a tag for "Freshwater Shrimp" and I am wondering if I may have got her there awhile ago before I knew better than to buy their stock lol

That would probably be your best bet for a male then, from what ive seen not many shops stock a variety of shrimp, normally 1 or 2 species at most, if you haven't seen them in any other lfs I would try these ones.

I guess p@h shrimp can't be as poor quality as their fish if you still have this one! :lol:
Yeah... Macrobrachium lanchesteri looks exactly the same.
I guess p@h shrimp can't be as poor quality as their fish if you still have this one! :lol:

lol True , I've had fish before and they be dead in 2 days , I never buy from them usually I am not sure how I ended up with this shrimp to be honest. I cannot remember to save my life where I bought her. I am sure thats the same though.

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