My Shrimp Tank ....

You need to get a heater in there, as I should imagine it was the difference in temperature that did your shrimpy in. They are sensitive souls.

Cute little tank. Personally I'd have gone for a black background as feel it gives a better sense of depth. But I like the coconut caves. They'll love cleaning them for you!
that looks like a lovely tank... not happy that it states it's ready for a goldfish once you add water >.< but thats not the point of this reply :p

I was looking at this tank for myself, but seeing it on your pictures, I've decided to get a slightly bigger one.

Just a question, what is the mesh for?
Mesh is for the moss to help it root and grow, I'll be coming out soon and I'm having trouble with shrimp dieing.
I must have put 7-8 shrimp in and the last lot only lived 3 weeks.

My pump flows very high, could the current be troubling them?

I was giving them fry food but I never saw them out from under the coconut so could they be starving ?

Water conditions all look fine so I really don't understand what's wrong ...

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