My Shrimp Tank ....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Yesterday I bought a p@h my first fish tank as a shrimp tank for my spare bedroom.

I kept a few cherry shrimp in my main tank ( a 60l with neon tetras, harlequins, a betta and some cories and otos) but a few have gone missing and I don't thinknits fair if they are getting eaten some they are getting there own tank.

So this p@h tank is 13-15l with a filter but no heater so my first question is, is a heater needed as the tank is in a warm room and the water is around 19-22* ?

And for the shrimp I've ordered some java moss from eBay and was thinking some cabomba but as I'm not going to have much in the tank will I have enough nitrite/nitrates for plants/moss to grow or is it wise to put a litre or so of water from my main tank in once a week ?

Any advice or pointers will be greatly appreciated but I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all !

But enough questions, here's some pictures!
I should think they'd be OK at that sort of temp, assuming it doesn't drop too much in winter. They probably won't breed quite as fast though.
sorry for the delay, i had mother-in-laws birthday to go to but i thought i was getting out of it.
here's the pictures so far.

here's the tank in my kitchen as it's just came out of the box.

next i put the same dark navy vinyl i have put on the back of my main tank, i set the filter inside to see what space i have.

i ordered some java moss off ebay , , so once it arrives i'll see about getting it hooked up and in the tank.

do you guys think i should put some water from my main tank into this tank to help the moss/filter ? i'll not be putting shrimp into it for at least 3/4 weeks so i can take my time and build this until it'd ready for them.
and here's the room it's going into,


were it sits it gets no direct sunlight but light all day,but incase i want to see i want to see them at night i'll use these cheap LED units, if they prove to be crap i'll buy a better LED unit.

and here it is with the sand in it.
Ok there has been a bit of movement with this in many ways, first of I've been 'aloud to bring the tank downstairs to the dining room ( result ) and I got some new things for it.

The wire and mesh arrived from the net and a member from the forum is sending me some moss, I got a coconut, cut it in two and I'm going to try and grow the moss over the top of it and today I walked. ( in the rain ) to my lfs and bought a cryptocorynes , so just the moss to arrive and to set up and a few more weeks and I'll get some cherries in there.
Looking great :)

just a comment on the filter, I bought the same tank, and the filter lasted maybe a day and a bit before making odd noises, becomming to irritating to ignore.

Might be worth have an idea for a replacement just in case.
heres the pictures i promised.

here's the tank in it's new surroundings !

and here's the coconuts cut,emptied,cleaned and drilled.

and the moss arrived from the forum member (thanks again) so i got it hooked up to the wire and mesh, covered the coconut and put both in the tank, also i had a piece of cabomba floating around me tank so i moved it to this one to add just a little touch more.

i'll swap some water from my main tank into it over the next few days and i'll keep that up until maybe the end of the month then i'll get a few cherry shrimp and hopefully rescue the ones from my main tank.
man that is looking good bro, iv always wanted to breed shirmp, how many shrimps do you hope on breeding in there? and whats in ur main tank? i want to add shrimp to my main tank, mainly goopies and 1 molly... what u think? think i could add? sorry for the hijack ; (
I'm not sure how many shrimps to put in but I started with 8 in my main tank but I think the betta or the neon tetras are stressing them to death.

I think the vallis survived ok so I put it in the main tank in the hope it grows from strength to strength.
Earlier hours sat morning before work I spotted the last two shrimp in my main tank so acted first and scooped them up and popped them into the shrimp tank. Hoping they would be ok I set off to work.

When I returned one had died. Nightmare. Still its better than being eaten in the other tank.

So know I have 1 shrimp left, I want to get more but am worried that they'll die like the other one so could it have been getting transferred from one tank to the other that killed him or the tank conditions, surely with one surviving it shows the tank is ok?

Water tests done and things look 'normal'
Ph,nitrites,nitrates and ammonia the same but temp is 21* not like the main tank at 23/24*

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