My Shrimp Tank


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)

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Cherry shrimp
Cherry shimp wild form
Bumblebee shrimp
Tiger shrimp
TigerxBumblebee shrimp
Rainbow/Malaya shrimp
1 Lone amano shrimp(not staying ;))

1 Ruby nerite snail
Trumpet snails

Before java moss trim


Crappy in tank pic showing, Rainbow/Malayas, wild cherries and Tigerxbumblebee

Wow, look at that moss, and the sheer number of shrimp! :D

What size of tank is this, and what lighting does it have on it?
Great looking tank and great looking shrimp, hopefully my substrate will look as red as that soon :p
Thanks guys :)

Wow, look at that moss, and the sheer number of shrimp! :D

What size of tank is this, and what lighting does it have on it?

I think its between 8 and 10 gallons and it has twin tubes built in (the thin kind) got what my lfs assured me were T5's but it doesnt say on the packet. Luckily the plants are low light ones so they grow pretty well. Can anyone ID the green ones on the lft and right for me.They are hardy little fellers. I'm tempted to add a small DIY C02 reactor but in such a small tank a ph crash would be a disaster.
Thanks guys :)

Wow, look at that moss, and the sheer number of shrimp! :D

What size of tank is this, and what lighting does it have on it?

I think its between 8 and 10 gallons and it has twin tubes built in (the thin kind) got what my lfs assured me were T5's but it doesnt say on the packet. Luckily the plants are low light ones so they grow pretty well. Can anyone ID the green ones on the lft and right for me.They are hardy little fellers. I'm tempted to add a small DIY C02 reactor but in such a small tank a ph crash would be a disaster.

No ideas on the plant ID sorry, I did want to comment on adding a CO2 Reactor...

I've been reading up on the Toxicity of Copper for shrimp somewhere. Apparently at higher PH most copper will be in a form that is harmless to shrimp but the PH going down can cause the toxicity of copper to increase to a dangerous level. CO2 will generally lower the PH (as you know :p ) so if the PH change doesn't affect them hidden copper in the water could do.

I can try and find the article and tell you what it said properly tomorrow if you want.
That's interesting about the copper!

The plant is certainly a Cryptocoryne species, I'd say C.wendtii 'green' :good: .

Though since crypts in general are fairly variable depending on water conditions, I'm by no means positive on that ID, however C.wendtii is possibly the most common crypt so it's probably that.
Love your tank, ive got a spare corner tank wondering what to do with it might just build myself a shrimpy town.

Got three shrimp in big tank, and cherry shrimp growing out in fry tank, I love them :D
Thanks guys :)

Wow, look at that moss, and the sheer number of shrimp! :D

What size of tank is this, and what lighting does it have on it?

I think its between 8 and 10 gallons and it has twin tubes built in (the thin kind) got what my lfs assured me were T5's but it doesnt say on the packet. Luckily the plants are low light ones so they grow pretty well. Can anyone ID the green ones on the lft and right for me.They are hardy little fellers. I'm tempted to add a small DIY C02 reactor but in such a small tank a ph crash would be a disaster.

No ideas on the plant ID sorry, I did want to comment on adding a CO2 Reactor...

I've been reading up on the Toxicity of Copper for shrimp somewhere. Apparently at higher PH most copper will be in a form that is harmless to shrimp but the PH going down can cause the toxicity of copper to increase to a dangerous level. CO2 will generally lower the PH (as you know :p ) so if the PH change doesn't affect them hidden copper in the water could do.

I can try and find the article and tell you what it said properly tomorrow if you want.

Yeah that is interesting as I am lowering the PH a bit to make it more comfortable for the BB's and tigers (and hopefully get some babies) and also if some nice people want to sell me some CRS :D

Thanks for the plant ID too i'll need to look it up.
I've found it... I originally read it in the January 2008 Practical Fishkeeping article on Crystal Red Shrimp but as I had never seen it anywhere else I did a bit of research and it seems the article was actually translated from a German Article written in 2005 for Aquarium News by Werner Klotz. I've not been able to find the original article online but have found a copy somebody posted to a german shrimp keeping forum.

Link to Original German Site
Link to Google Translation

I'll paraphrase what PFK wrote as the google translation isn't that great, but I don't want the forum getting in trouble for copying word for word from their magazine...

In hard alkaline water most of the copper will bond with Carbon in the water and will form Copper Carbonate which is not toxic to shrimp. In Soft Acidic water (the conditions recommended for dwarf shrimp) the chemical bond isn't as strong between Carbon and Copper so some copper toxicity wont be neutralised. It goes on to say fluctuations in PH cause by PH-reducing products or adding CO2 can cause the bonds to break and release copper that was previously safe back into the water.

It also mentions the amount of copper required to be toxic for a shrimp is well below the amount measurable by conventional Copper test kits.

I was tempted to try and lower the PH in my tank if I had any problems breeding as it is 7.5 as standard, but my only female has given birth for the second time today so i think they will be fine as they are.
That's a lovely Shrimpytown ~T~. Is this the same tank you posted here a while back? Where did you get all your shrimps from btw?

Are you sure that's Java moss you have there? Mine looks nothing like that :unsure: but mind you, I'm so bad at growing plants even mosses and ferns grow wonky and eventually die on me :sad: :sad:
Cheers Shrimper thats good to know, my PH sits just over 7 so i'll not mess with it.

That's a lovely Shrimpytown ~T~. Is this the same tank you posted here a while back? Where did you get all your shrimps from btw?

Are you sure that's Java moss you have there? Mine looks nothing like that :unsure: but mind you, I'm so bad at growing plants even mosses and ferns grow wonky and eventually die on me :sad: :sad:

Nope different tank, opted for a nice all in one job although my other tank is beside it with galaxy rasbora for the time being(and a few cherries that somehow evaded me).

I get my shrimp from ebay and my lfs's.

I'm pretty sure its java moss(someone correct me if im wrong). I also just got a little xmas tree moss im gonna put in there somewhere.
Don't normally see that many types of shrimps available on eBay apart from cherries.

My Java moss is more like a ball of twining string. I really like how yours look :D. So jealous :X

Is that planting substrate you have there? Also, do you have soft or hard water out of your tap?
Don't normally see that many types of shrimps available on eBay apart from cherries.

My Java moss is more like a ball of twining string. I really like how yours look :D. So jealous :X

Is that planting substrate you have there? Also, do you have soft or hard water out of your tap?

Yeah I got some tigers and bumblebees off a guy called gogosnails.

I tie the moss quite tightly to the bogwood, you have to be quite ruthless with it. Also make sure you get really good quality javamoss and have nothing that eats it. I used to have SAE's that basically stripped the leaves to the bone so it looked normal but just didnt grow and stayed a spindly mess.

I have some laterite in there, wanted to keep it just round the roots of my plants under the sand but the trumpet snails dig it all out :crazy:

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