My Shrimp Are Breeding....?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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USA - north georgia
I have ten ghost shrimp in my 29 gallon tank with four small tetras. This morning, one of the bigger shrimp had lots of dark green eggs on its underbelly (probably about 20? ) I researched shrimp breeding... and i am sure she is pregnant ( i would show a picture but my camera doesnt hook to my computer and im too lazy to go get pictures developed).

I put her in one of those floating breeding traps with a fake plant but she seems really uncomfortable and antsy to get out of there. Will the baby shrimp be ok? How long does it take for them to hatch? What should i feed them when they do?? Im so confused...
I've not bred shrimp before, but recently it's something that I've been doing a lot of reading about. Have you seen the shrimp actually mating (male goes underneath the female for insemination), because often shrimp will produce infertile eggs. I thought that ghost shrimp eggs were meant to be pink? Apparently you can tell when the eggs are close to hatching because you'll be able to see the eyes of the neonates within if you look closely with a good digital camera on macro or through a strong magnifying lens. At this point you might like to think about removing the female to a small tank (15 litres or so) by herself so that the baby shrimp won't be eaten by your fish. I think the shrimp neonates may be able to fit through the net, but I'm not certain. Either way, being in the breeder net is obviously stressing out the female so you could maybe move her to a little hatching tank or something.
There's bound to be someone on here who has successfully bred this species, so don't take my opinion as rule. This is a good site that you can take a look at:

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