My Severums Have Bred :)


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2012
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A few weeks ago i got given a 7" female gold Severum, i already had a 8" male Red Spotted Severum, they hit it off immediatley and today i noticed them guarding a bit of wood, and theres 1000's of eggs, funny thing is, although they are defending the wood and being territorial to a degree, the much smaller other fish (baby rotkeils, angels, barbs, corys, bristlenose plecs) in the tank are happy as larry and the sevs are not attacking them :)

Sadly i know the eggs wont hatch as nobody has got red spots to breed, they are however fertilised for now, so hes not sterile :)

This is the first time i have bred Severums :) in the past i have bred Convicts, ZZ Flowerhorns, Sajica x Convict, Yellow Labs and all the usual livebearers.









Thanks :)

Unusual that the parents are not attacking anything or keeping all the other fish to one side of the tank, especilly with the other cichlids in there (2 x Angels, 5 x baby Rotkeil sevs), they just half assed chasing stuff away when it gets to close, the male chases the odd cory or the big bristlenose of my 2 when he keeps getting to close.

Good job i wont get fry anyway because i got nowhere to put them lol.

Atleast when breeding things like Severums you know your doign a good job of maintaining the tank, not like centrals that will breed in anything with any fish thats willing :p also i'm amazed i made a pair just by introducing 2 adult fish together, it was love at first sight, no agression ever, severums are such a cool fish :)
There was a guy who posted on here that his red spotted pair had spawned. He didn't post if the fry had survived though
Nah it just don't happen mate, there's a guy on MFK that discovered that he got fry to survive by putting bleach into his tank accident, obviously worked the same way as Methy Blue, killing the fungus on the eggs, weird way to find out hey! he had some fry come through, also another guy on a website got 1 solo weak fry to survive using methy blue also, I don't fancy the time or effort lol, I'm just proud my 2 prize fish have bred.
Ahh Eggs going white now, fungus kicking in, ah well, didnt think i'd get anything out of it :p
Well next day now, i expected my corys and bristlenoses to eat all the eggs but they still there, theres a few white ones.

I read that you can actually get fry from red severum x gold severum, but just not red sevs with red sevs.
Nah it just don't happen mate, there's a guy on MFK that discovered that he got fry to survive by putting bleach into his tank accident, obviously worked the same way as Methy Blue, killing the fungus on the eggs, weird way to find out hey! he had some fry come through, also another guy on a website got 1 solo weak fry to survive using methy blue also, I don't fancy the time or effort lol, I'm just proud my 2 prize fish have bred.

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