My scuzzy tank

That stuff is pretty standard in a tank, either you scrape it off or you get a plec(small dwarf one in your case) 

try getting a algae eater

sorry u two but read my sig... iv got a plec... it dont work, i also had two siamese algea eaters... they did bupkis...

like someone mentioned in another post... they soon figure out that theres somthin nicer to eat in the tank and they dont have to live of the algea...

good old elbow greese :flex: never does anyone any harm, havin the easy way out can sometimes lead to more harm than good...

plec's poop an awful lot... if ur bioload cant take it then ur done for..
I also have this problem. It's in an 18 gallon tall tank just like you have. I have 3 otos and 3 ghost shrimp and a few snails left from the snail invasion a few months back. They do nothing..

Like I said in your pic post, just use a magnetic algae remover. It's only like 5 bucks and they work wonders.


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