My scuzzy tank


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
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Hey guys n gals,
I have something growing on the side of my tank. It looks like tiny white dots covering the entire inside of my tank. I'm thinking of buying some kind of snail that will eat them, but do I have to buy a certain kind or will any type do? Also will they totally rid my tank of whatever it is growing on the sides for good?
Yes, 20-30 % every week. I use a magnet glass scruber to clear them, then I change the water but they come back...
My temp is usually 78-80. I haven't used any medication on them, I figure I'll do it the way it would be done in nature.
:fish: If it's only affecting the glass and not the fish, then I shouldn't worry too much. :)
I'm not an expert on snails, so someone else will have to help on that one, but I will say I wouldn't put one in my tanks because I have lots of plants. :D
Ic, my tank is completely bare now so I might try a snail or two.
Neone know what kind to get?
i have the same, its some kind of algea... mine started when i had my co2 injector connected to my tank... since then it got out of hand.

i find just usein an algea scraper gets it off... no use puttin chemicals into it that will kill of ur bactiria.. or puttin snails in that will add to ur bioload and eat all ur plants.... :/

why bother when good old elbow greese gets rid? :flex: if ur takin out 20% -30% each week why not spend an extra 5 mins whiping down the inside of ur tank with a never used sponge???
I do wipe it off every time i do a water change but it still grows back. I don't have an excess amount of light on the tank so im not sure if its algae.
hmm mine dosnt come back straight away... the shortest amount of time would be like 2 weeks...

is it back there straight away???

can u get a pic of it??

what are ur tyank readings??
Actually ill clean my tank right now, take a pic of b4 and after then post.
It might take a day or two to grow back, my scraper doesn't do a great job.
I have the same thing in my tank. It always appears toward the end of the cycling process. I have been told it is algae blooms or the beginning of algae. I usually take a clean paper towel and wipe down the inside of the glass and it stays gone for a few weeks. It has just become part of my regular maintenance.
I think i might try adding some live plant in a while, it might help useing up the nitrates that this stuff is prolly feeding off of.

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