My Schultzei Corys Are Spawning Again


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
my Schultzei corys are at it again :hyper:
its a differnt female this time iv collected about 60 eggs up to now
thxs truckasauras123 :good:

its laying them quite quick compaired to the last spawning i had
iv had collected about 120 eggs up to now
conrats mate :band:
you said you thought they would soon
as track said keep us posted
scot :good:
there still spawning must have a good 250 + eggs up to now the containers sides are full im haveing to snap amazon sword plant leaves off to put the eggs on :hyper:

i took a few pics but they arnt that good :good:


thxs JenCliBee

there still at it :rolleyes:
iv lost count on the eggs now as a guess id say getting on for 300 every time i think they have finished it lays more lol
well thats seems to be it i think :hyper:
it layed about another 30 eggs and is empty now so time to give it a good feed.

i have another female wich is the same size as the one that has just spawned
so should get more eggs any day now :good:
Nice one mate :good:

What else can I say but, good luck. Hope your fry tank is infested with hundreds of tiny fry :hyper: :lol: :nod:

Edit: Plus after you've posted picks of them when there a bit bigger i'm coming around to pinch some :ninja: :p
thxs Cory_Dad
yeah things havent been this good for ages mate just had a good 100 bronze hatch today aswell and a load ov cherry shrimp babies must be something in the water :hyper:

and thxs StrontiumDog
well if loads hatch i wont even know uv nicked any lol
out the last spawning 12 suvived and are in with the pairents now and nearly an inch long :good:
:ninja: On my way already,

Net: check
Bag: check
Nice warm car(will be when I get there): check
Flashbang: check

see you in a couple of hours :rofl: :rofl:

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