my Scalaria fish is sick: please help


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Jan 12, 2017
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Since few days one of my scalaria fish started acting strange while all my other fish are ok.
It started swimming sideways a week ago and it started getting better so i decided to wait a bit and see if it will get better and now since few days started getting worse, it started to bend and now it stays all the time at the bottom of the aquarium. I checked on the web but I could not find any similar cases.
I'm new in the fish world.
If someone can help it will be appreciated,

thank you.

the aquarium is 300litters I have plants and air system.
I feed my fish with worms and dry food.

if you need more info please ask.
I attached few pictures of the fish hope this will help


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What other fish do you have in the tank?

Have you tested the water at all, and is your water hard or soft?

First thing to do would be a large water change; at least 50%, making sure the new water is warmed and dechlorinated. Fresh, clean water is first aid for fish.
Do you know the common name of the fish? I have no idea what a scalaria fish is and it's hard to tell from the pics (can't see the head).

If it was swimming funny before and it continued to worsen, it might be a swim bladder problem. Either way, I would be doing the 50% water change asap. Are there any other abnormalities? Did the fish stop eating a while ago? How long have you had it and how often do you do water changes?
What other fish do you have in the tank?

Have you tested the water at all, and is your water hard or soft?

First thing to do would be a large water change; at least 50%, making sure the new water is warmed and dechlorinated. Fresh, clean water is first aid for fish.

I think the water is hard water. Do boiling the water will be sufficient of making it soft?
is it better to take the fish out and put it in smaller tank and put new soft water in it or 50 /50 in new tank?
I have few more angelfish fish and few Xiphophorus Heller and they are doing all fine.
Do you know the common name of the fish? I have no idea what a scalaria fish is and it's hard to tell from the pics (can't see the head).

If it was swimming funny before and it continued to worsen, it might be a swim bladder problem. Either way, I would be doing the 50% water change asap. Are there any other abnormalities? Did the fish stop eating a while ago? How long have you had it and how often do you do water changes?
Hi Demeter32,
I checked for the common name of the fish and is angelfish hope this helps.
Can you advice me on how to resolve the swim bladder problem? Yes it continued to worsen in the beginning started getting better after changing the water but it didn't land long. The fish is eating well it eats from the bottom of the tank as it cant swim to the top. I change water every 3 weeks 50/50. I had the fish already few months.
would you advice to move the fish into a smaller tank and change the water with soft water or 50/50 or keep it in the same tank?
If all your other fish are healthy, it could be that this one is being bullied by the other angels.

Move the sick fish to another tank, if you have one. Change the water, but keep the hardness the same.

Can you get water test kits where you are?
If all your other fish are healthy, it could be that this one is being bullied by the other angels.

Move the sick fish to another tank, if you have one. Change the water, but keep the hardness the same.

Can you get water test kits where you are?
Thank you for the advice I will try it today and will let you know of the result.
I will move it to a new tank (I have a small one). I will put some of the old water from the big aquarium and new water (Would you advice me to boil the new water first?) and see how things will go would you advice me on special food or to keep using the dry food and the worms.
Yes I can get a tester for the water hardness.
No, don't boil the water; just use what the fish is used to. If the small tank doesn't have a filter, you'll need to change most of the water every day. I wouldn't feed the sick fish at all for a couple of days; it won't do it any harm to go without.

Can you get test kits for ammonia and nitrite?
Oh an angel fish! I can see it in the pictures now. I've never had to treat a swim bladder disorder, but one thing I hear about doing is stop feeding the sick fish. I found an article that might help you.

Can you test for nitrates, nitrites, ammonia etc? If any of these things are elevated it could be the cause for the angel fish's problem.
No, don't boil the water; just use what the fish is used to. If the small tank doesn't have a filter, you'll need to change most of the water every day. I wouldn't feed the sick fish at all for a couple of days; it won't do it any harm to go without.

Can you get test kits for ammonia and nitrite?
I did what you suggested but unfortunately my fish didn't survive it ;-(
It died a day later. I guess I was to late.
thank you for your advice.

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