Some day I would like a mandarine fish as well... but you need a huge tank and LOTS of rock to grow its food... pods... not sure what a pod is... (but I have read extensivly on these fellas
'Pods' are small creatures that sometimes plague tanks. They are very small, bordering on the microscopic. They will eat all sorts of things in your tank. They aren't dangerous themselves, but, if allowed to grow and reproduce, they can literally drown a tank with their sheer numbers.
Mandarins eat these pods, but they need copious amounts, and they're always feeding. In order to keep one, you need to have had your tank up for at least 6 months, so that these pods can set up a permanent colony in the rocks. That way, when you get your mandarin, you will have a food supply that won't run out right away.
Mandarins (also known as dragonets) aren't that hard to keep, except for their food requirements. They need good water quality and at least 50 gallons.
Most gobies will not bother invertebrates. There are always isolated individuals that will attack, but most are peaceful to the invertebrates.
Good luck!