lovely dogs, but you need steel toed boots to save your feet. lol
my current Rotti is 5 now, he is still daft as a brush. one thing though. i would never have a DOCKED Rotti ever again. they are some much better balanced with their tails.
all in all, are lovely pet. needs kept with intelligence though. they are a power full animal.
oh yeah, do you dogs POOP like factories? both i have had could crap for their country, and win! lol
tell me about it. why do they have to sit on peoples feet?
i was reading up some info for my website today, and i read that when they get past 3 they are more lazy, but at 3 and 3 1/2, mine still haven't especially Kirby. and our last rottie Decka never did calm down. unfortunately we lost her to bone cancer.
i agree that they look better with tails. (don't tell Millie i said that)
at first it seemed a bit weird seeing them without tails, but after having Kirby with a tail, i've got used to it and i think they look better. and there's no need to chop its tail off anyway, as they aren't in any danger of having their tails caught (except from when they try to sneak into the house after me).
yes, they poo constantly.
they are a bit clumsy as well. when they are playing and charging about you have to be careful not to get trampled, and a couple of days ago they ran up playing, and Kirby grabbed hold of my trouser leg, thinking it was millie's, who happened to be biting his neck.
it worries people sometimes, because they think they are fighting, but they aren't.
and even though they are extremely powerful, when we had our last dog, she got out when we had the goats out, and she went after one, but when it turned around and butted her, she left it alone. the hardness of goats heads is unreal!
awwww aren't the bonny dogs
they look a cracking pair of rotties
every body makes out they are bad dogs
never such a thing as a bad dog just a
bad owner
yes, they are lovely. i totally agree about bad owners. their reputation really annoys me; when some new people moved in next door, they complained to us and said they weren't happy that we have 2 rottweilers. bearing in mind we have 6ft fences around the whole perimeter.
they are great family pets. and really clever too. they are always really calm around old people ad children, but they know that they can be a bit more boisterous around me, my dad and my brother.
i'll stop waffling now.