My River Reef 94 Marine Adventure!

the mini zoas could be aptasia simonas if so then get rid
spotted another starfish thing they must move cos they weren;t there a couple of days ago, they are lime green with an orange flash on each of the 6 legs. looks like a ASTERINA after doing a search on tinternet

also spotted a orange bristley arm coming out of a hole like a centipede and it was hanging round near a slug, i banged tank by accident and it shot back in!!
Ah a bristle worm, scary looking beasts but great for the tank, just make sure you don't touch one :crazy:

By the way, have you got a packet of antihistamin in the medicine cupboard - if not you need to get some (your second cheapest buy :p)

Seffie x
he he antihistimine for the bristle sting do you mean? lol

used my refractometer today and it shows that my tank water is only 1.021!!!obviously too low but thats what I have bought from the LFS!!

When I tried it with tap water it was about 1 click below o? does that mean my refractometer is out by 1?

I calibrated it according to the instructions
bought a new heater yesterday and the water has stabilised at 26 now another £20!!

Hopefully things will stabilise enough soon for me to add CUC and soon after a pulse xenia as I really like them and my LFS has a nice one
Hoping to get the stanley knife to my Xenia over the easter weekend if you can wait.
Hoping to get the stanley knife to my Xenia over the easter weekend if you can wait.

oooo yes nice one I will take you up on that!!
:D Such an exciting time this part, sounds as though you have plenty of life in you LR too, is it still thriving through the cycle?
:D Such an exciting time this part, sounds as though you have plenty of life in you LR too, is it still thriving through the cycle?

the life in live rock is still fine the tube wormas/fans are spreading it seems and the orange bristleworm was trotting around the rock last night

didn;t get time to test this morning so will do that when home tonight and may do a water change with my left over salt mix in my contanier
well just used my test kits, they are Sera kits bougt today

Nitrate 25
nitrite 0
ammonia 0.5

the temp has stabilised at 27 is that too high and how bout my readings what does that indicate?

not yet figured out the refractomter lol

Right just tested again 6 days since last one
Nitrate still 25??
nitrite still 0
ammonia down to 0

my nitrate hasn;t changed? does that mean still cycling or just time to change a bit of water? I'm miffed thought it would have gone down?
Nah, fairly normal - do a 50% water change and test again in 24 hrs :good:

Seffie x

cheers Seffie

I have never got to grips with the details of cycling. Its like my brain has a mental block with it or my heads just frazzled from working long hours lately!! :crazy:
Dead stuff/waste -> ammonia -> nitrite (with the help of bacteria) -> nitrate (bacteria again) as you can see nitrate is the end result and least harmful of the 3 to fishys and as long as you have plenty of good bacteria only nitrate should be present in your tests. If after a cycle you get an ammonia spike somethings probably dead, followed shortly by lots of other deaths apparantly.
Your water changes are mostly to rid yourself of nitrate, using algae such as cheato can help absorb nitrates aswell.

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