My Re-arranged Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2005
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Well i decided to take some pics of my tank. I did buy a rock and am still thinking where to place it. I might take some plants out to make room for the rock. I just reconsturcted it. All the plants are artificial.

Well here goes:

Ill try to get better pics soon, as well as pics of my fish. Usually they dont hide but ever since i got all these plants they love to hide behind the plants ... especially when i take the pics :p
But my black skirt tetra loves to show-off along with my guppy but i made sure i didint take him in the pic, as he was moving to fast and it kept essing the pic up.

Hope you like it. I would really really like it if you could tell me where to re-arrange some of my plants, and where to put the peice of rock. Ill post the peice of rock soon. Thx a lot :D
How long has the tank been set up because it looks like its going through a bacteria bloom?
well its been set up for 6 years, and i think it is only my camera that makes it look like a bacteria bloom.
It says in my sig what fish i have, but anyways ill just list them:

2 Black Skirt Tetras
4 Lemon Tetras
1 yellow guppy

Also my water results are fine ...
ph - 7.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0 pmm
Nitrate - 10 pmm
so i doubt the bacteria bloom
So any suggestions on where to move the plants to or anything like tat?
I know its not to impressive and thats why i need advise ...
Just a few more taller plants.

w0w durbkat if you just post for the post count please dont do it in my thread. A lot of people say you post just for the sake of post counts ... and i agree.
Bacteria Bloom ... sigh
And then need bigger plants .... sigh again
Dont you see that i said its getting crowded and with the plants, and i want to remove some of the plants to put the rock, yet you say need bigger plants. And honestly cant you see that i have big enough plants in their? You have like 2900 posts and yet you post misleading suggestions :no:

Sorry just got pissed there. cuz i read 2 more topics were people complained about him posting for the sake of his post numbers.

Sorry about the behavoior couldnt tolerate it.
I don't do it for post count I knew you was going to put the rock in but just with the plants that you leave in the tank you could replace them with taller ones to go around the rock. I'll just keep my mouth shut because apparently no one likes my suggestions or what I have to say. :-(
I dont wanna argue or anything. Just want suggestions ... any1 else other than durbkat?
O and durkbat i didnt it as an offence, just want to tell you to post logical posts. I think you know now y people get annoyed andi know you will make sure you that your posts will be more "precise."

Anyways any suggestions please :D
hmm a background would really improve it a lot. i recommend a black one.

i would also consider changing the gravel to a more natural colour, or even sand. but that's a bit of a hassle i know. and a matter of personal preference. i prefer the natural look but its up to you.

i know you said you think it looks crowded but IMO i think more plants would make it look better! how big is the rock? a photo of it would be good too.

some driftwood would look nice too.

HTH :)
i agree with the poster above.

if you can id change the gravel to a more natural colour. I like to make my tanks look as close to a river/lake bed as possible so that would be a big help!

the rocks a good idea too. i think rocks or bogwood create a nice foundation for you to then plant up and around.

and finally maybe a nice background?

even jus black looks really good and brings out the clour in ya fish!

now having sed all that.

i dont dislike your tank how it is. i jus prefer a natural look like i say.
Instead of adding or removing plants..trying re-arranging them instead.

Maybe put the larger ones towards the back and move some of the smaller ones up front...that way it gives the tank a 3-dimensional effect. It will look more natural, less clumped up, and the fish will enjoy being able to swim in and out of them.

A background would also help out..that will help give the "illusion" that the space is fuller, if you don't want more plants in the tank. Just plain black would look nice, but they have some really cool ones at most LPS that aren't expensive, especially in 10 gallon sizes.

The water does look a tad cloudy to me (the camera shouldn't do that..unless your lens is smudgey or it's gotten wet and the inside is fogged up). Try turning off the lights in the room (doing this at night will probably work the best) and see if you see any cloudiness. Doesn't mean it is a bacterial bloom, but it possibly could be.

One more reason a tank can go cloudy is by the introduction of a contaminant that the bacteria can use as a nutrient. Unwashed dirty hands, liquids, and chemicals are a few examples of sources of nutrients. Please note that in a filtered and aerated aquarium, the actual bacterial bloom is in itself not harmful to the fish.

Durbkat...when you make accusations against a person's fishtank..sometimes it's helpful (and looks less condenscending) if you post a link, or some sort of logical explination, explaining why you posted what you think is the problem. :nod:
I agree with some of the poster above. To mne it doesnt look crowded I would change it to a more natural feel to it. Thats just my opinion. Maybe you could arrange the plants to the sid and make a dense area where the the fish can hide but it looks like they know how to hide pretty well already :D I would add a a center peice like the rock or a peice of diftwood over a little ways from the middle. But your tank looks great!! ;)

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