My Rather Not So Stunning Betta

Aww he's so cute ! That's the reason why I bought a male and female betta. To save them from the tiny smoothie cups they were in !
Smoothie cups? If I were ever given a smoothie in a cup so small, I'd be horribly disappointed at the lack of contents. They're more like those little paper cups people have in bathrooms to rinse their mouths after brushing their teeth :blink:

This is what each of my fighter fish were sold in:


:blink: Never seen one sold in those before

they're always in litlle like 3 inch long tupperware cups with only like an inch to move up and no room to move side to side.
He's lovely & I'm sure he'll colour up even more now he's in a nice home.
Can't believe they sell them in those cups, luckily I've never seen them sold like that here
I've never seen them being sold in cups - and how glad of that I am. Why treat them any different from any other fish? The worst I've seen them be sold in is betta barracks in PaH (where they have at least 1 gallon of "proper tank" to themselves, but a strong flow so that I've seen bettas stuck to the sides because of it) or in setups with nippy/annoying tetras and that. No where near those cups. It's quite simply very cruel :-(

I definitely like your new betta though, Onidrase. I like the blue parts on his sides - you should change the title ;) Just because he doesn't have the fins of a carefully bred HM, he's still cute in his own little way ;)
At the chain stores near me, they also selll them in those little cups. At least half of them are right next to each other, and you can tell that some of the cups haven't had a water change recently. :-(
Ahhh, he's gorgeous! I rescued a little fella a couple of weeks ago. His fins are shredded to bits. So bad that I don't know if he's a short-finned variety but time will tell. He's thriving so far.
Well done for rescuing him, he really is a cutie! :wub:
I just rescued one from a Walmart, never seen such a sad sickly bunch of fish. They were in little pint plastic containers with maybe 2 inches of water, most of them were full of medicine cause they were all dying (some were dead). My guy (named Alpha the betta)had a sickly greyish cast, but at least wasn't laying on his side. Would have rescued more if I had the space. Kept him in a one quart hospital tank for a week giving him Pima and Melafix, and lots of TLC. He didn't eat for 3 days. He is now a gorgeous midnight blue with red/purple fins, and he eats like a wee piggy :) He will stare at me until I look his way and he makes an elaborate show of eating invisible food, then returns to stare at me again,lol. He also built a bubble nest! Found out last night he really likes mangoes. Gave him a tiny lil piece and he sucked it up in a millisecond and did a happy wiggle :) He's going in a 5 gallon planted with 2 albino corys...
There really should be a law against keeping these fish in such conditions in shops...

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