mY raBbIt nOt EaTiNg

Well he came home yesterday (wed) @ 5pm and has to have 0.5ml of Baytril every day for 10 days in a row and 0.05ml of Metacam every day. So far he hasn't eaten on his own accord, so i had to start to force feed him with a syringe, i mixed up pellets with warm water and whizzed into a liquid and gave him 10mls slowly into his mouth and he seemed to like it.

The second feeding @ 4pm didn't go as planned i think i gave him too much in the first feeding but i think it was due to the fact that there was loads of distractions around tv and mom talking and he was more interested in that. Second feeding i tried 5mls but he managed 1ml and then gave up.

Will try him later after he has had his antibotics and metacam.
dont know if it works for rabbits too, but when i had a rat that needed bulking up because it hadnt been eating i was told to feed it baby rusks mashed up in warm soya milk? worked a treat..
You may have better luck with fresh veggies and such. They should have those regularly anyway.

Also,try dandelion flowers,my rabbit would swim across a river for those.
To keep his teeth filed down so something like that doesn't happen again you should offer him Timothy hay all the time. They need the fiber and it helps to wear down the teeth.

Judging by the doses of Baytril and Meloxicam the vet is giving him, I'm guessing he's about 9-10lbs so he should be getting at least 40cc's every time you force feed him (which should be 3 times a day) until he starts eating on his own. Preferably more though. Like around 60. I know it seems like a lot, especially when your struggling to get 1cc into him :p. It's a pain in the butt at first. Just hold him like a football under your arm in a towel (so he can't kick out) and go at the side of his mouth (whatever side didn't have teeth removed) and put the syringe in as far as you can without gagging him and aim it up at the roof of his mouth, away from the teeth. You can do like .5cc's at a time then remove the syringe, give him a chance to chew and before you know it you'll have like 45cc's down him. Sounds likes he's doing pretty good though! Good luck with the little guy :wub:
It's not good, his gut has finailly gne into statis i think as he produced no feces and he wouldn't feed today....someone suggested that he may have bloat and needs massage but this still does help!!! I tried to get him to move and he just wobbles and shakes horridiously (sounds like hypothera to me) i've sat him on a warmed up hot water bottle and seeing how that helps. I will get a vibrating massager going on him once mum gone to bed!!! That will shake his gut up and hopefully produce some results.
well unfortunately he died an hour later after my last post... i'm glad he isn't suffering anymore and i nursed him for nearly a week after i brought him home from my work place.

R.IP. little eddy buddy may you rest in peace.
I'm so sorry Bigfish :sad: You guys tried. My heart breaks for you, I know I would just curl up and die if I lost my Rah. :(

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