Hi, I've had a group of 6 Pygmies for around 3 weeks in my 120l heavily planted tank. This afternoon I noticed some eggs on two of the Echinodorus tenellus leaves and after much searching discovered that they are Pygmy eggs. (It was highly unlikely that they were anything else as the Pencilfish have never spawned in the 2 1/2 years I've had them and the Threadfin Rainbows are all male.
My question is, will they hatch in hard water (15dkh) or am I just getting my hopes up? When I get home tonight I'm going to pop them into a net in the tank so the Amano shrimp and African Dwarf frog don't get too tempted but I don't want to go to all the trouble of setting up a rearing tank to find they were never going to hatch in the first place. I know hard water stops a lot of eggs from hatching after my Angels never hatched a single egg
My question is, will they hatch in hard water (15dkh) or am I just getting my hopes up? When I get home tonight I'm going to pop them into a net in the tank so the Amano shrimp and African Dwarf frog don't get too tempted but I don't want to go to all the trouble of setting up a rearing tank to find they were never going to hatch in the first place. I know hard water stops a lot of eggs from hatching after my Angels never hatched a single egg