My privately owned local fish store

I was there yesterday when I brought my 37 Pleco fry to the store. Did you see that huge marine fish in the front's for sale for $3000..yikes.
They also have a couple of giant pea puffers in the front tanks.

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Dangit, NO! I, for some reason, always forget those front tanks! I also get frazzled and overwhelmed, so I miss things. It's an anxiety issue that makes me miss things like a BIG COLORFUL FISH!
Almost all of the fish they have are way beyond me, but I like to look at the fresh and marine shrimp, though they have one species that creeps me out too much... they are beige and look too much like spider-shrimps.

I also notice that certain types of fish are really interested in me when I wander around. I feel 100 eyes on me, turn around, and whole schools of fish are watching me! Others couldn't care less.
Is there , is there I ask you , is there anyplace so great to go into than a big well stocked aquarium and fish store ? I love everything about them .
Is there , is there I ask you , is there anyplace so great to go into than a big well stocked aquarium and fish store ? I love everything about them .
I was at my lfs yesterday. It’s terrific. Next time I’ll take photos.
My LFS puts Petco and Petsmart to shame. A couple hundred well stocked tanks including several large display tanks with exotic fish.
My LFS puts Petco and Petsmart to shame. A couple hundred well stocked tanks including several large display tanks with exotic fish.
Don’t take much to put those places to shame . I was in PetSmart a week or so ago and guess what I saw ? They put dividers in all their aquariums so as to have more varieties of fish . I guess that’s the reason . I was horrified to see two dozen nice calico Angelfish in a ten gallon enclosure .

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