My Pride And Joys


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score

Lovely!!! Especially in love with your betta and albino oscar.
Some really nice tanks you have there :good:

What's in the tank with your pleco? Tank under ur betta tank with number 1 above it?
Some really nice tanks you have there

Thank you so much,,

What's in the tank with your pleco? Tank under ur betta tank with number 1 above it? Theres four kissing Gourami and a pink Tilapia
Beautiful fish!! Thank you!!!
How big are those tanks with the bigger fish? That plec looks HUGE! There five foots,,,,been trying to rehome tilapia for ages, but could not so got her a tank away from oscars
Great looking tanks. Thank you
Very nice tilapia, what's it like behaviour wise? Behaviour is very good, peaceful but WILL Eat anything that fits in mouth
That Red Oscar is just incredible!! Love the Tilapia as well :) Amazing collection!!

Cheers will, when people say red do they mean the albino, or the normal tiger?
Im meaning the albino one :)

I saw an amazing one a while ago and wish I had got it :)

I may have to hit you up when I set up my big tank. I have one that I am currently writing plans for. Its 4x2x2 (already have the tank) and I want to do a peru biotope,. tumbes river mainly, and center the tank around a pair of green terrors. As you have experience with large tanks, I may have to bounce some ideas off you

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