My Pregnant Platy Is Hiding Alot......?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2012
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I am getting a bit worried, my pregnant platy is squaring off (which is good :nod: ) but she just started to hide behind leaves and in little caves! is she going to be ok?
is she sick?
pregnant livebearers will normally become reclusive right before dropping fry. It is actually pretty normal. If she is squaring off, its a good sign she is going to give you babies any day now :) Mine always hid right before hand.
should i move her to a seperate tank away from the other fish to save the babies? i have some fry eating fish!
I wouldn't try to move her because she may get a little stressed. Do you have hiding places for the fry? They may help keep them from being eaten! Unless you're looking into saving all the fry.
do not have very many hiding places...............
get some rocks are flat slate for the bottom of the tank, or some floating plants like java moss. These are great places for fry to hide. do you have sand or gravel?

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