Fish Fanatic
OKAY so an update- 5 days ago I went home, which is 4 hours away. I brought a 5 gallon tank to bring home all my fry in, plugged the filter in the car and left the air conditioning off and all fry made it home happily
I put them in a the fry net with my mom's other 2 fry as her tank is completely cycled and has been for over 2 years. Going to let them live there until a week or two before I go home again
I brought back home 2 of her guppies who were bullying and nipping at her other 2 male guppies- she had 4 male guppies and no females!
I also filled up my tank with her cycled water, took a bunch of her gravel and put some plants in the 5 gal! Plugged it back into the car for the 4 hour ride home and both guppies made it back in great shape
ANYWAYS so as soon as I got back into my appartment I did 3 emergency water changes. I hadn't lost any fish but they were moving slowly (probably since the temp climbed up to 85 without the AC in one tanks) I tested the water while my boyfriend was vigorously draining water and the results made me SO happy! 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and 5ppm of nitrates! Pretty sure this tank is cycled now- left it alone for 5 days and there is NO ammonia or nitrites! I'm just hoping the 80% water change didn't kill a lot of the beneficial bacteria.
The other 2 tanks had ~0 ammonia and 5ppm nitrites. Did ~95% water change on both of those. I tested the 5 gallon tank with my mom's water and it still read 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites, so I put about 2.5 gallons of the cycled water into both of my uncycled tanks, along with a few plastic plants and a bunch of gravel from her tank. 1 guppy went into my 10 gal tank that now has 3 females and 1 male who is very young and small and I have never seen mate with anyone yet, and the other male went in with my mollies & platys.
As soon as I put him in the tank he went crazy and tried mating with all three girls!
LOL probably the first time he'd seen a girl in over a year. (Just realized he must be an old fella)
About to do a water test again, it's been 8 hours since I changed all three tanks last night
TANK 1 (only 2 weeks old
hopeful the cycled gravel and plants will speed it up a bit)
Ammonia- 0-.25
Nitrites- .5-1
Nitrates- 0 fml
pH- ~6.6 (low eek)
TANK 2 (the one I suspect is cycled)
Ammonia- 0-.25
Nitrites- .25- .5
praying I didn't kill off the beneficial bateria with my huge water change yesterday 
Nitrates- under 5
pH- ~6.6 also eek
TANK 3 (been cycling the same amount of time as tank 2, ~6 weeks, but still isn't cycled!)
Ammonia- .25-5 EEK
Nitrites- .5
Nitrates- 0
pH- 6.4 even lower ahh
The only reason any of them have ammonia is because my tap water has 1.0 ppm of ammonia!
Going to do ~80% on 1st and 3rd tank and leave the 2nd one alone and hopefully it'll still be cycled
Come on bacteria!
I brought back home 2 of her guppies who were bullying and nipping at her other 2 male guppies- she had 4 male guppies and no females!
ANYWAYS so as soon as I got back into my appartment I did 3 emergency water changes. I hadn't lost any fish but they were moving slowly (probably since the temp climbed up to 85 without the AC in one tanks) I tested the water while my boyfriend was vigorously draining water and the results made me SO happy! 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and 5ppm of nitrates! Pretty sure this tank is cycled now- left it alone for 5 days and there is NO ammonia or nitrites! I'm just hoping the 80% water change didn't kill a lot of the beneficial bacteria.
The other 2 tanks had ~0 ammonia and 5ppm nitrites. Did ~95% water change on both of those. I tested the 5 gallon tank with my mom's water and it still read 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites, so I put about 2.5 gallons of the cycled water into both of my uncycled tanks, along with a few plastic plants and a bunch of gravel from her tank. 1 guppy went into my 10 gal tank that now has 3 females and 1 male who is very young and small and I have never seen mate with anyone yet, and the other male went in with my mollies & platys.
As soon as I put him in the tank he went crazy and tried mating with all three girls!
About to do a water test again, it's been 8 hours since I changed all three tanks last night
TANK 1 (only 2 weeks old
Ammonia- 0-.25
Nitrites- .5-1
Nitrates- 0 fml
pH- ~6.6 (low eek)
TANK 2 (the one I suspect is cycled)
Ammonia- 0-.25
Nitrites- .25- .5
Nitrates- under 5
pH- ~6.6 also eek
TANK 3 (been cycling the same amount of time as tank 2, ~6 weeks, but still isn't cycled!)
Ammonia- .25-5 EEK
Nitrites- .5
Nitrates- 0
pH- 6.4 even lower ahh
The only reason any of them have ammonia is because my tap water has 1.0 ppm of ammonia!
Going to do ~80% on 1st and 3rd tank and leave the 2nd one alone and hopefully it'll still be cycled