My Preds-wolves And Watercow

Mean looking fish, Love the Watercow.
(why do they call it that, looks nothing like a cow, udder ridiculous)
This is a watercow

(sorry nothing better to do, couldnt resist)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But you gotta get out more :lol:
to be honest, the 4ft tank looks a little small for the fish, the fish doesnt seem to have much room.
not my favourite fish, but however, its the fish owners likings that matter.
and Synirr, why cull betta fry, you shoudlnt breed them if you cant look after them all. killing healthy fry just because there is too many is wrong
and the water cow stays in the pvc pipe, but comes out when he sees me. If they swim near each other sometimes theres a little dominance issue.

Ahhhh, godamn your goby for moving, I wish mine did instead of sitting in a pipe ignoring food!

But seriously though, nice fish; the watercow looks even better now than the last time you posted pics.
Makes me want a tank full of large gobies!
and Synirr, why cull betta fry, you shoudlnt breed them if you cant look after them all. killing healthy fry just because there is too many is wrong
Grow up, sweety. I did the whole "caring for them all" thing once, and that's plenty. I ended up with 198 fish I had to find homes for. There isn't a single serious breeder out there who doesn't cull, message anyone on Aquabid and ask if you like. I cull very young before I even know what they look like, usually when they are still small enough to feed to adult bettas, and only cull later if they end up being terribly deformed. That's more humane than most breeders.
If you care to discuss it further please take it to PM so this thread doesn't get derailed too badly.
to be honest, the 4ft tank looks a little small for the fish, the fish doesnt seem to have much room.
not my favourite fish, but however, its the fish owners likings that matter.
and Synirr, why cull betta fry, you shoudlnt breed them if you cant look after them all. killing healthy fry just because there is too many is wrong

Why bother to comment on someones thread that you dont like their fish? I don't like bettas but i dont go onto threads with pictures of bettas on them and say "well i dont like them but if you do thats ok".

And culling fry is part of any breeding program, especially if you breed fish which have large spawns that will need to be divided out into separate tanks as they grow. By trying to raise more than you can cope with the general health and well being of all the animals begins to suffer so it is far better to only raise a sensible number of fish that will all be strong and healthy. I regularly cull 75% of my snakehead spawns as soon as the fry are released from the males mouth, there is no way i could raise 200 of them to a suitable size so i reduce the number down to just around 50 fry immediately and then make further culls of runts and mutants as they grow on.
Culling is the downside of breeding. The right thing to do isn't always the easy thing to do, but it has to be done. Culls are good clean feeders, mine go in the oscar tank.
to be honest, the 4ft tank looks a little small for the fish, the fish doesnt seem to have much room.
not my favourite fish, but however, its the fish owners likings that matter.
and Synirr, why cull betta fry, you shoudlnt breed them if you cant look after them all. killing healthy fry just because there is too many is wrong

:huh: why did you reply to this thread? You've come and critisized about something you dont even know about.

Nice fish spacey, good pics too.

But those curtains..... :sick: :rofl:
to be honest, the 4ft tank looks a little small for the fish, the fish doesnt seem to have much room.
not my favourite fish, but however, its the fish owners likings that matter.
and Synirr, why cull betta fry, you shoudlnt breed them if you cant look after them all. killing healthy fry just because there is too many is wrong

I am just going to reply to the tank size comment, hippy boy. In my opinion a 4ft tank is fine for a watercow. Keep in mind you did not know all of the dimensions on the tank, (48" by 18" wide by 13" high). This provides a great area allowing him to turn as he is around 11" now. The length of the tank is basically 4 times his length, and in my opinion, thats more than enough room for a watercow. Watercows are different than other fish, for example, a tinfoil barb. Watercows aren't as active or skittish like a tinfoil barb, so they require less space. Watercows are really not too active at all, so why give a fish that doesn't move a huge tank? It just so happens that my watercow is very active and responsive towards people. He swims around when he sees me, and i can even pet him. Sometimes he lets me pick him out of the water for a few seconds.

- Although... I am about to do something not too smart. I have a friend that wants to give me an 8" pacu, so i think i will add it to this tank. I will have to up the filtration, but i just want to get it looking healthy before i give it to a pet store. Unless somehow my parents allow me to get one of these... (I want the 9ft by 2ft 4" at the bottom, but i think i can only realistically get the 6ft round :( )
i was saying, it looks a small tank, not that it was, it could be the picture, or the tank dimensions, but i said it LOOKED small, not was small. its clear now that to you atleast, its a good size, i admit i dont know much about water cows, but i was stating my opinion, i was only saying. still even though it doesnt need much room, doesnt mean you shouldnt give it much room, it would have lots of room in the wild, so why a lot less in capitivity. still, as i said, im not an expert on water cows, and are only saying what i see and think, like everyone does on this public you say, your water cow is very happy and responed to people, then its obovously well suited to that tank. and i wasnt saying it was a crap fish geo, just not my favourite, im sure its not many peoples favourite fish, doesnt meas we cant comment. i was trying to say, it may not be on my fish list, but its the fish owners choice which fish to keep, juct like many people wouldnt like some fish i keep, but im not bothered about them commenting and saying what they think.
and culling, none of my fish ive bred are culled, why breed if you cant look after your fry? more fry, more money atleast, but thats not the reason why i do it, i dont see the point in killing healthy fry becoase theirs too many, we dont kill humans, but their is too many of them. you should be prepeared to look after all fry, of course, culling unhealthy fry which could effect the others, or will simple die slowely, then thats reasonable, but healthy fry, why bother. when i breed my fish, keep all healthy fry, and give them proper care. all often grow to adult size, are healthy and are good enought to sell or give away to friends.
im a serious breeder, who plans breeding them, and doesnt cull any.not all breeders cull unwanted fry, some keep them all. ans yes, i may not have 200 hundred fry, but i think 160 is a good enought number, if i can look after them all, surely you can.
i wasnt meaning to offend anyone, but i think im allowed to express my thoughts on this matter, just like you are. we may have different opinions, but doesnt mean mine is wrong.
we dont kill humans, but their is too many of them.

And look at the appaling state of humanity because of the overpopulation... Stupid arguement.

Shiny cow, be a bit better if they tended to move more though... I think he'd enjoy a nice juicy parrotfish though :)

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