My Poor Very Warm Little Darlings!

Sucks for you guys, I haveto turn my AC off for about 6 days a year LOL
Lol @ Air Conditioning!

Yeah.....we don't usually have a lot of call for it.
Lol my tank has been stable at 27 degrees for 3 weeks straight. Had no problems at all with it, though the evaporation is serious in my tank I lose a litre or two every other day. I just put some cold tap water straight back in to top it up.
Just to say that turning off your heater is pretty pointless. They are thermostat controlled, so if the tank creeps above the desired temp, the thing turns off by itself anyway :)

Turning down the temp by 1 or 2 degrees might help buffer the changes during the day, as the base temp will be lower after the heat of the day/overnight.

Turning off the lights can help, as can opening the top covers, and if possible blowing air over the water surface with a fan can help heat transfer :)

Oh, and I forgot, you can also freeze a few bottles of water (make sure you leave room for expansion) and drop them into the tank to help bring the temp down in a real emergency! If you have a few bottles in the cycle, should keep you going over the worst heat of the day :)
Sounds about right. I still refer this to the ICE that we had though. Snow's great for the first day tillit gets all compacted and you can't walk on it.
I'm in South East England too, and my tank was 30 degrees this morning :(

I did a water change with cold water and have got the lid open and now down to 28 degrees.

Hot weather is nice but its annoying for my fish, my opaline gourami seems to be hating these warm temperatures, he's just sitting in his flowerpot, he's normally really active.

I hope everyone keeps an eye on their tank temperatures, and good luck with keeping them cool.
Those ice bags are not too bad, you know the one's that have all the little compartments that make ice cubs and you fill them with water from the ttop? I sometimes dangle 2 in at a time and it does reduce the temp by about 2 degrees eventually though you have to do it a few times.
Just to say that turning off your heater is pretty pointless. They are thermostat controlled, so if the tank creeps above the desired temp, the thing turns off by itself anyway :)

I should point out that I use small, extremely low voltage, non-aquarium heaters for some of the smaller, non-fish tanks, just to give a small boost and a 'hot spot' in the tank for things like young turts or the more tropical amphibians. Hense the unplugging.
I'm really lookingforward to doing water changes this weekend, up to my arms in water, the fish love it and so does the garden, win win all round. Oh yes and the British grand prix. :good:
I was checking my temperature today and noticed that it was 24C when it's normally about 26.

I pulled the heater out and noticed it wasn't working. Turns out I'd turned it off about 2 months ago and forgot to turn it back on. Today was the only time I've noticed a low (and not even that low) temperature. It's not so hot in the north west
My main tank lid has been left open 24/7 at the moment,(thankfully i have no jumpers...) fans on,tank evaporates a lot... :rolleyes: even though its been scorching,i've been around today so fans on and windows opened since 7am this morning,and keeping the tanks around 26.1,but tonight once the fans are turned off it'll probably creep up if we have a warm night.
My heater was set to 29 degrees C, yet the thermostat reads 31 degrees C. I've remedied the problem by first turning it down by 1.0 for every hour for two hours. Hopefully my rams won't boil to death now! :blink:
My heater was set to 29 degrees C, yet the thermostat reads 31 degrees C. I've remedied the problem by first turning it down by 1.0 for every hour for two hours. Hopefully my rams won't boil to death now! :blink:

29C is a bit hot for Bolivian rams. Are your Blue rams wild caught or tank bred? I'd have thought turning it down to 26/27 would be best for them as a group

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