My Poor Betta


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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My betta now has a white/gold spot on the top of his body. It wasn't there yesterday morning. But when I looked at them when I went to bed I saw it there. I'm worried. I love that little guy. He is still acting the same and eating. What's wrong with him?

I know it's not ich. It's not crystal-like. It looks as if some paint peeled off him(not that he has paint on him).
You mentioned gold coloring, so I'm wondering if this could be velvet. I've never dealt with velvet personally, so I can't be of more help. Hopefully someone could explain velvet and how to treat it....????
Sorry to hear about your betta, but i was wondering if you could tell us about his tank? Like what size tank, water tests, how often his tank is cleaned and if you add anything to the water to treat it and such, it makes it easier to figure out what is going on with him, and how to treat it.
I do not know anything about velvet, sorry.
My tank is 6-gallons. I clean it a week. I'm goint to try to start cleaning twice every week because I'll have more time on my hands. I haven't taken a water test. I use R.O. water that my dad makes. I don't add anything to it, except for when I got my fish. The last fish (the final fish) was added about 2-3 weeks ago. Is velvet a bad thing?? The spot isn't on the betta anymore though. After I changed the water it went away. I think maybe he got that because the water needed to be changed. I guess I really should clean it twice a week!!
My daughter had a female betta that got a spot on it like that it was from the male biting her after the eggs were laid. Is it possible that your betta could have been nipped?

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