My Planted Tank


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Hey Guys

I am Almost Happy with my Tank Now - Just thinking about some plants to hide the filter.

I usually add some plant food @ each water change.

The Malayian Sword has been in about 8 Tanks now and is still going strong. Over 3 Years old.
There is an LPS that has Java Moss growing wild in its tanks and they Chuck it away, But I always get there too late to save any.

Any Who Heres a PIC.


Water level is a little low as have changed stuff round this morning - top in morning.
Hey gill,

I really like that tank setup, it's so exotic, and how the bog just comes out of the water i think you have done a good job. in the picture it dosnt look like that big of a tank, i'm going to guess at around 20gal?? I like the red color in the plants.. makes it very unique.. good job :)
I Really like the boogwood coming out, looks really cool.

Love this tank ! Its amazing! Good job.
Thanks Guys,

I'm Starting A brackish planted tank today. So Kep watching.
Your aquarium is beautiful.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get that huge piece of bogwood from, and how much was it?

Is that a water lily at the bottom right? And is that just Moss and Fern you have growing on the wood? It looks absolutely gorgeous, I'm trying to train some fern onto wood atm, the moss takes over, and the fern just takes too long to grow - you got any tips?

Nice one.

Your aquarium is beautiful.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get that huge piece of bogwood from, and how much was it?

Is that a water lily at the bottom right? And is that just Moss and Fern you have growing on the wood? It looks absolutely gorgeous, I'm trying to train some fern onto wood atm, the moss takes over, and the fern just takes too long to grow - you got any tips?

Nice one.


where did you get that huge piece of bogwood from,= A5 Aquatics 2.95 for each peice - you have to get down on your knees and hunt in the shelves for lovely long peices like those to grow java's on.

The Javas I keep in a Tomatoe box in a water butt outside and when big enough tie on with brown cotton thread.

The Moss I got from Nanny petals on Ebay - He Grows it on Long Peices of Bamboo. So its really easy to use.

The Red Tigery Lotus/Lillies are amazing plants - I bought 2 Root Balls an just cut the Plant loose once they are big enough. I now have 7 Plants from 2 Root Balls. They just keep growing. and the they are only 60pence each here in Cov.
some newer pix

Added some Green Lillies



Cant believe I missed this first time round, tank looks great :) is that moneywort or four leaf cover in the front of the tank in the first photo? Think once it fills out and breaks up the wood a bit it should look cool :)

Keep up the good work

Cant believe I missed this first time round, tank looks great :) is that moneywort or four leaf cover in the front of the tank in the first photo? Think once it fills out and breaks up the wood a bit it should look cool :)

Keep up the good work


It Was Creeping Jenny, It was doing ever so well then Gouramis ate it.

I am gonna get some more. as i really like how it looks.

Need to remove alot of the Salvinia its grown so much half the tank is covered in it. and rearrange the wood a little, My Glass Cats are staying at the back of the tank.
Its a 2by1

Nice looking tank Gill. Like almost everybody else, the bogwood really stands out. A very natural looking habitat. 2by1 is what? Looks like a 20g high to me which has a 2ft by 1ft footprint.

To maximize light penetrating your tank, I would suggest filling up the tank to just beyond the border of the tank rim. That will prevent the light from reflecting on the exposed light and the water's surface, which doesn't allow the light to penetrate the water's surface more effectively.

Now, I'm going to get picky and I apologize, but forums are for helping and my criticism is purely constructive. If the tank is 20g, then IMO your angel is too large a fish for your tank. It may look great now, but angels can get pretty large and very tall. I also don't recommend mixing gouramis and angelfish. They have similar habits and agression could result. I just have been keeping fish for so long, much, much longer than plants.

I'm done with the criticism and now I have several complements. Three years for a Malayian Sword! Very nice for an aquatic plant. I have an anubia that is approaching a year and I felt special, but three years, that's great! That is also a lovely looking honey gourami if I'm not mistaken. I kept honeys for a while and they are great fish!

llj :)
2 by 1 means 2ftx1ft, i'm guessing it's a 15G? A 24"x12"x12"? Also, your tank is over the edges on the stand it's on, this means you could come home one day with 15Gallons of water on your floor, I think you need to sort it out sooner before later as the pressure on the middle will build up and it will just crack.

Thanks fr the Advice Guys.

Tank Sorted - Weight Ditributed more evenly.
Its sitting on Straw Mats.

Fish swapped

Angels Gone and some Rainbows and Mollies.

Replaced with Spiketail Gourami and 2 Gold Danios to make up Danio Numbers.

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