My Planted Tank "the Green Hills"

But the carpet is covered in staghorn algae since last week.
Bad water circulation together with some mistakes i did last week ruined all my efforts to keep it algae free.
To try to get rid of id i increased the water changes. cut the light hours to 7 a day.reviewed my daily fert dosing,added a second filter 2 days ago to increase water flow and yesterday i did a major cut on all the affected plants. I was so happy that after 3 months i was almost algae and hassle free with this tank that i got careless.
Bad mistake.
I,m also gonna start adding a daily dose of easy carbo to help fight it, and add s cleaning team, a group of ottos atleast to help.
I'm a big fan of a clean up crew in a planted tank, however the only member that will sort this kind of algae is true Siamese algae eater.
been looking at that fish. i never had it before.
i will add them to the mix to help. been put off it before because i heard it grows and at some point it stops eating algae. dunno if those rumours are right though. got do some research on the fish.
I think that might possibly be the chinese algae eater, which is a annoying fish
Thanks. I already did some research on the SAE. And as to woy distinguish both of the i only want the real thing.
The next time i go to the LFS i'll get some for clean up crew.

Its been some time since my last update.
Last time i said i was having BBA. I managed to get rid of them in a couple of weeks but the plants never recovered.
Growth stopped and some melted,other my SAE's just ate all their leaves when they run out of algae (i had no ideia they would eat the plants too), and the brasiliensis carpet was uprooted by the amano srimps i got to help clean the tank (once again i was not expecting that).

So i ended up with a mostly bare tank with just some stems to tell the tale, and when i say stems i really mean it because the leaves were all eaten.

I thought about giving up on the green hills and go for a complete restart but in the end i decided to give it a chance and go for a rescape.

But this time i really need to go for a better choice of plants, last year i had such a fast and healthy growth with the My desired return project that i stupidly put in my mind that this tank could grow any plant despite the needs.

Plain arrogance, it surely cannot and even if the setup of the tank can i can't. I don't have that king of knowledge yet.

So to start i decided to go back to basics the new layout will be mostly about easy and undemanding plants.

I did alot of research and designed a possible layout. I did a choice for plants but it's still not final since i have to reasearch more how this plants will mix with each others.

First this was the original layout of the Green Hills:


And this is a preliminary layout of what could possibly be the Green hills version 2:


I am still not sure as some of these plants i never used before and will have to research more to their needs and to how they could blend together. Specially the foreground plants i am not exactly sure of the size that some of the plants will take.
I also aimed deviate from the symetric appearance of version 1.

Since this is still on planning sugestions are welcomed.

P.s last week i finally got my wife the 200 litre tank she was waiting for months so here's a picture of it. She designed the layout and picked up the plants i just did the assembly for her.I will add a topic about this one soon.


I so my project to for the green hills version 2 as started. Today i went to the LFS to get some rocks for my hardscape. After hours cleaning the tank,substrate and uprooting what was left of the plants this is how the tank is now. Just waiting for some plants.


So now i'll have to make a final decision on the plants and order them online. Will keep posting updates.

From the plants i removed today, surprisingly the brasiliensis was in better shape than it looked, on the surface it looked unhealthy but under it was covering most of the tank, actually i got almost a carpet of it out of the tank, planning on giving it another chance in my 75 litre tank.
Looks good :) have you left enough room behind your rocks for all of your plants? I kinda goofed on that in my tank :p
Well the layout i designed was with the old hardscape in mind. But as some people had pointed here it would easily be covered by the growth of the plants.
I wanted to go for something with more presence in the overall look of the tank and that could blend in easier with the plants. So my trip to the LFS today was all about the rocks.
As for the rocks the design left in the back some defined areas for each plant,some minor changes are possible but the background is all but decided.
Its the foreground that still worries me a bit and will still give me some thinking to do.
But all in all so far i am happy,my best hardscape to date for sure.

Its been awhile since the last update. As i said before i went for a rescape of the tank.
And here are some photos of how the tank looks after the rescape done about a month ago.

A month ago:


Two days ago:


And a video done this last weekend:

The green hills ver 2.0

The plants of this new rescape are:

Eliocharis parvula
Rotala rotundifolia
Heteranthera Zosterofilia
Cryptocorne wendii brown
Higrophila polysperma rosanervig
valisneria nana
echinodorus tenellus
staurygne reppens

And the fish in the tank at the moment are:

21 Rasboras espei
4 Zebra danios
6 glowlight rasboras
7 Otocinclus affinis
6 Amano Shrimp

So far the tank is doing alright. There's some algae covering the echi tenellus and the parvula but with time the plant growth should beat the algae. I am adding carbo to help but i am not really worried about it.
As for the fish they are doing ok and i feel the tank is stable at the moment. It stills feels empty so i will add more fish with time i just like to add them slowly to prevent any problems.

Hope you like it. Its nothing spectacular but i like it for now is ok and with time and more growth i think something good can come out of it.
That's going to look great once it's grown in more, just need to keep trimming to encourage the kind of growth you are looking for!

Its been nearly 9 months this tank is running now,(despite some heavy rescaping somewhere in the middle) and i'd like to share some of the latest pictures i have tanken.
Like i said the tank as been running for nearly 9 months now and its basically in cruise control,it does not give me much trouble apart from the weekly water change and maintenance and i must admit every now and then i've been a bit complacent with it.
The fish and shrimp all look happy and healthy so no worries there.
On the other hand the plants are growing and slowly taking over the tank. It might not be one of the best scapes around but i like it.
Plant behaviour:

Valisneria nana - this plant was removed. It never adapted to the tank and slowly whitered and died. I did not placed any other in its stead and decided to let the higrophyla grow and fill the empty space.

Highrophila polysperma rosanervig - this plant as all higrophylas does not stop growing. I did trimmings to get a bush effect wich it worked.

Cryptocorne wendii brown - this plant as changed its original emersed green color to the submersed brown and as taken all over the center background of the tank. But this week i started to notice some melting on some of the leaves so i trimmed all the melting leaves of.
I know this plant sometimes melts and grows back again but i hope that it does not happen to mine because i like it just the way it is.

Heteranthera Zoosterofila - I am a bit disappointed with this plant. It grows fast and i used before and got a big and healthy bush. But this time it grows healthy,but even with trims i have no bush. Besides after a while it starts to get ugly and i have to trimm most of it.
The problem is it is the wrong plant for that area of my scape,its a very tight space between the rocks and the glass so it only grows up. And after a while the new growth covers the rest of the plant making it look ugly.
I will look into alternatives to replace this plant.

Rotala rotundifolia - This plant was growing fast and healthy,but when it reached the top of the tank and i did a good trimm on it all growth stoped. Its been slowly recovering for the past month but it does not look as good as it did before the trimming.

Staurygene reppens - this plant is slowly taking over the middleground on the left side of the tank and formed a pretty bush. But on the right side i decided to be a bit of cheapskate and use cuttings from the left to make a bush take over that side too. The result even though its been growing healthy is not soo good. It grows mainly up and despite trimming as not gained volume and formed a bush.
Might end up having to get a second plant for that side.

Eliocharis parvula - Its there, it grows, but it does not form a carpet. Pretty disappointed with another failure to form one. Its been there since the beginning of the tank 9 months ago. For a time it was forming a carpet but them it stopped and whitered.

Echinodorus tenellus - its taken over both sides of the tank at the front and with some minor arrangements to the tank its now spreading more to the middle to an area originally intended for my failed parvula carpet. Happy with this plant.

Floating plants - On one of my trips to the fish shop to buy shrimp to my wife's tank i good some extra bagagge. together with the shrimp came some floting plant, no more than a couple of leaves that by accident ended up in the wife's tank.
It took over her tank in 3 months.
I liked the effect, the chance to provide some hiding space for my fish and also the chance to use my light to full potencial without risking algae soup.So i decided to give it a try.
With the higher light and fertilizer it took over my tank in a couple of weeks. And i really mean took over on the pictures and videos you can't see that much because right before i took off half of the amount to keep it under control.
I don't know the name of this plant though.wonder if anyone can help with that.

Fish beahaviour :

For years i kept angelfish in my tanks. This time i wanted something diferent and i can't say i'm disapointed with my choice.

Amano shrimps - what started as help for my cleaning crew is now my favourite in the whole tank. I love these unstopable workers. No matter what they just don't stop moving around the tank.
But with time my shrimps have developed a patern in their behaviour. During the day they keep mainly in the plants. In the evening,even though the light of he tank is still on they come out. Its also the time i normally arrive home so it just looks like they come out to welcome me back.
Sometimes the females have eggs but i have not tried to breed them yet.

Siamese algae eater - i have three of these. I like them and have been thinking of adding three more,there's no shortage of algae for them anyway but on the other hand these three do tend to fight each other so i have left the idea on hold.

Zebra danios - These one's are a lively bunch the don't always form a shoal yet they come running to the front of the tank as soon as they see me. I normally put my hands on the water and leave them there and they swim around it and between the fingers nibling.
Been thinking about trying to breed them in another tank.

Rasboras espei - The true shoaling fish of my tank no matter what this bunch always stays together. they are slower and calmer than the zebras but their colors make a good addition to the tank.

Glowlight danios - the silent partners i have six of them and they do stay together but the numbers are too few to call it a shoal,they normally try to blend in with the raboras. They also like to hide behind all the higrophyla.

And now the pictures hope you guys like it.

The tank on the 01-09-2012


The tank on the 05-09-2012


The tank today 10-10-2012



And two videos:

It looks lovely. It was worth the work I'd say :good:

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