My Planted Nano

Looking forward to the pictures Sibelius. Do the tools look quality?

llj :)

Thanks, yes, they do, I'll post pics of them too, really good fun to use (don't think I'm senile!), and very effective.

My crpyts unfortunately had a little algae on them ,and some dead and yellowing leaves, not what I was expecting
Crypts tend to always look like that no matter where I get them from (I've had tropica from a garden centre near me, and occasionally from lfs in pots) :(. I guess it doesnt matter much though, because your apparently supposed to take most of the leaves off when you plant them "only leaving the 4-5 newest leaves on the plant".

I'm planning on getting some Tropica Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green'' from aqua essentials along with some tropica java moss to replace the Pogostemon helferi (it's growing too slow and is now covered in algae) at the front of my nano, so it will be great to see what it looks like in your nano :).

The plants I'm sure will recover quickly, I'm pleased with the way that they look with my bacopa behind them.

why though - do all the positive comments come when I've changed the layout. Still, I think that this new one will have higher critical acclaim, especially when it fills out. My camera's run out of battery ( :angry: ) lol, I'll post photos ASAP.
I've managed to get hold of batteries for the camera and I've taken the new pictures. Unfortunately, the susbstrate is a little messy as I was doing the rescaping yesterday, and this stirred up a lot of muck, of which I vacuumed as much as I could out at the time, but taking out any more water would've put the fish in jeopardy, so I'll do another water change over the weekend.
Before I go any furthur, here's a photo of my landscape kit!

(wowie! I'd recommend it to anyone!)

The tank now looks like this:(apologies for the lime green thread in some of my photos!)

The current stocking is:
1 otocinclus
4 adult Endlers (1m, 3m)
around 20 fry.

I'm intending to get C. Habrosus as I love them! Also, 2 more otocinclus, and 3 amano shrimp. I'll sell my Endler's and the fry.

So hopefully the stocking in one months time will be:
3 otocinclus
3 amano shrimp
3-5 C. Habrosus
3-6 of another fish maybe in a few months, although I don't know what. Something tiny and peaceful that won't eat my plants. (upper to mid-water) any suggestions at any time will be reeally appreciated, so fire away, or get thinking!

My plant list is as follows:
Anubias barteri var. nana - on wood, centre
Bacopa australis - back right
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' - right hand side - front/mid to back
Hemianthus micranthemoides - front left
Limnophila sessiliflora - centre mid
Ludwigia - centre right
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv' - on wood, right
Rotala rotundifolia - behind wood - left back
Sagittaria subulata - front left/ mid
Vallisneria spiralis - far back left
Limnobium laevigatum - floating
Ammania Gracilis - front centre/right
Ammania (Mini Species) - front right
Lysimachia Nummularia - back left/centre

I'm very happy with my tank at present, but of course, comments are always appreciated on how I could improve my aquatic design, or any other aspect of my hobby.


(The Endler's are preggers again!)


(Still working with my ammania, they will grow if it kills me!)



(This section needs work, but I thought I'd give the helsine a chance to grow properly, with my new diffuser I think it may pick up, and it is getting there now, so I'm pleased about that.)


My favourite part of the tank, I can't wait for it to grow a bit, and to get some corys in there!
Thanks for your comments.
I've actually added a little wood as well, I'm not sure if it's there to stay, I was experimenting really, I think it's breaks up the background and I'm hoping it will look good if the plants "engulf" the hardscaping when they grow, which is what I'm after, but this might not work! Thanks for your point about the crypts, I'll see how they settle in and move them accordingly.
Loving the tank mate think it looks top stuff, progressing :hyper: . Only wish mine was hehehe
It's been over a month since my last update! Doesn't time fly! I'm going to add pictures later, as I'm just about to depart to my LFS as finally they have managed to get hold of Corydoras Habrosus for me!!! I've made some changes to the planting today, as well as a major thin out last week, so things are looking a bit bare. I'm most pleased that my anubias and windelov fern are gradually becoming more and more secure to my wood which is good news, as it's taken many attempts (my endler's ate the cottons thread that I was using previously. I'm now using fishing line. I've almost given up on my Ammania, just putting all the remainder in one corner to give it a last chance to grow. The helsine (M. M.) is now in the centre, with the dwarf sag to the right. Anyway, for those who are interested, I'll be adding photos asap. (I'm sorry I've not been around recently, I've been very busy at school.)
Hey, Welcome back! C. habrosus, yeah! Congrats, they are a great fish. Looking forward to the updated pictures, sounds like there have been some changes.


Can't wait to see the new pics of the tank and it's new additions :)

Hope you're keeping well.

looking good i bought the the same kit of ae deffor worth the money
Thanks for your interest. That kit is very useful indeed. Sadly, I've been having trouble making my CO2 DIY system airtight, and because of the lack of CO2, I've had algae problems, as soon as these are solved, I'll take better photographs.

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