My Planted Community Tank


New Member
Jan 14, 2006
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I started this tank about 3-4 months ago i was wonderin can anyone tell me about german blue rams ???

P.S. I will post pics as soon as i can! :)
Post pics soon. I hope your new rams are doing good.
PLEase Baddis 56 i wanna see those pics! Your aquarium is so beautiful
With the badis, gourami, pleco,shrimp. IT MAKES ME SMILE!!
i got some new rams here they are im acclimating them


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i have a really bad infestation of hair algae does anyone haveany solutions for it?????? :unsure:
The algae grows on my plants and i cant stop it. Whenever i pull it out more grows back. Please help me!!
its hair algae
here are the pics i have promised :)


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The algae grows on my plants and i cant stop it. Whenever i pull it out more grows back. Please help me!!
Post all your tank specs for us to be able to help furthur i.e. tank size, lighting levels, type and photoperiod, CO2 level and injection method (if any), NO3, PO4, any fert dosing, planting (species and quantities).
20g tall
heavily planted
lighting not to strong 15 watts
no c02 injection
i use a plant supplement every week
some driftwood and fake rock structure

1 pleco
3 dwarf gourami
1 badis (dwarf chameleon fish)
1 ram
1 bosemani rainbow
1 cherry fire shrimp

ph 7.0
nitrite 0 ppm
nitrate 0 ppm (that what the tests said) and i followed all the instructions
ammonia 0 ppm

java fern (2)
amazon sword (2)
microsword (2)
lots of water sprite like 4 big ones and a lot of smaller ones

filtration: Emperor 280
temp about 76-78 F

one of my gouramis is also swimmin all weird like on his side. he is always jus sittin there on the bottom but i can still see he is alive. i dont know if this is a disease or if it is because of my water or what

hope it helps!!

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