My Planted 100 Gallon Discus Setup

Alright no worries :) what externals are you using? and really nice cabinet btw, any chance of your relatives getting into the business of custom, fair priced tank cabinet business? Lol
I am using Aqua-Pro filters 2+3 externals. They will be eventually be used in conjuntion with a 20 Gallon Sump. They are both nice and mature and working wonderfully. They are also really cheap and really reliable. I clean them once every 2 months if they need it, floss gets replaced every 4 weeks though.

Depends really on what you call fair priced. As everything is made individually at different sizes and designs it costs more for the time taken. Each machine has to be setup with the correct tooling then to be glued, finished, fitted etc.

The reason juwel and the other cabinets are so cheap is the batch design, half a dozen machines setup constantly and they can throw them out constantly. The reason everyone loves the cheapness of IKEA

As the tank is still clearing I thought i would upload a picture of the inside of the cabinet, just to show how much space there is underneath it to store crap...i mean important fish keeping items :shifty:


As the tank is still clearing I thought i would upload a picture of the inside of the cabinet, just to show how much space there is underneath it to store crap...i mean important fish keeping items :shifty:

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Wow that is a lot of room. I especially like the little shelf. What are the things floating on top? They sort of look like plants?
They are, i have just chucked them in from the other tank, they keep floating around at the surface and as there is nothing else in there i am going to let them suck up any nitrates that are floating around in the water to try and neutralise any algae that might find itself floating around in there.

I am keeping the filters fed from the water changes i am making to the 60 gallon every day.

They are, i have just chucked them in from the other tank, they keep floating around at the surface and as there is nothing else in there i am going to let them suck up any nitrates that are floating around in the water to try and neutralise any algae that might find itself floating around in there.

I am keeping the filters fed from the water changes i am making to the 60 gallon every day.


Are you adding any ferts or do you think they will make it without the substrate for a while?
They will be fine floating around at the top of the tank for a while. they are only for a few days anyway, they spend more time in transit that this when you order them online anyway, lol.

I am bored waiting already, i want to start scaping.

I am bored waiting already, i want to start scaping.

Haha. Maybe you could go out looking for hardscape or if you already have there is always a pen and paper. :lol:

I have done most of that already. I think i will scan in the draft and upload it, that way people can give there ideas about good and bad points, changes and other stuff.

I have told me LFS to hold onto all of the Large bits of bogwood they are having delivered on Tuesday so i can go and source a nice big bit.

The plants are going to be mainly simple, hygrophila polysperma, riccia fluitans and the dwarf variation, vallisneria spiralis, amazon sword (cant remember real name) load of crypts, glosso, tiger lotus and whatever i fancy from my greenline order.

I am also aiming for a big arch made from riccia, have had a couple of ideas so i will post pictures of its contruction later on in the journal.
I am also aiming for a big arch made from riccia, have had a couple of ideas so i will post pictures of its contruction later on in the journal.

Care to share. Cause that would look awesome.
I will when i build it, thinking about construction with plastic mesh but will soon see how it develops.

Anyway, the cloudiness is still looming in an undesirable fashion so i have been out to the future father in laws and have borrowed a fluval 205 from him and plonked in the old internal juwel filter i have. So the tank is currently being run with 4 filters packed with floss so hopefully it will clear by the morning.

Hopefully not too long before i can see through the water :D

The morning is here and the giant water change is about to happen, all i need to do is to find the hosepipe and i will be sorted.

The tank has not actually cleared as much as was hoped for, In having a look at the water it is not actually large particles, it seems almost an extremely fine suspended dust, if that. To rectify this, huge water change.

Just for reference, the dusty look.


I have plonked my Tiger Lotus in there just so there is actually something to look at and take away the huge urge to go and buy large chunks of Bogwood to throw in there :p


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