Ok, so not "later today", but I'm updating now.
So, Mike_Danger from these forums posted that he was looking to get rid of his mantis shrimp, so, I said I'd take it off his hands.
I'd been told they're very hardy creatures, but sadly not that hardy. He looked very rough after shipping and didn't last long in the tank. That couple with the fact my parameters were pretty scary means that he's now a goner.
He was intended for a 10g
A few kilos of LR, some coral sand and I thought I'd be sorted. Sadly of course looking back my enthusiasm was matched only by my naivety, and I had to strip the whole tank and restart.
So the new intended mantis home is here -
It's a 22g rekord 70. I've added to it
A set of T5's (one tube is daylight, one is moonlight). I am probably going to upgrade in future so that I can add some corals, but that won't be for some time yet.
A Maxijet 400. This was intended for the 10, but it's looking like I'm going to be upgrading this also. Is that necessary?
A lot of rock. I couldn't give an exact amount, but, there is a fair amount. I don't want too much, else I suspect I'll never see my mantis. I'm presuming there is enough to filter a mantis tank in there at the moment.
A Visitherm heater.
Coral sand. Nowhere near me is selling aragonite which is a pain. However, I think this'll be ok.
SG is 1.024 and I've been using "Tropic marin" marine mix. I was shocked (like most SW newbies are probably) at just how much salt I needed to fill a 22g tank!
The Rock and hitchikers
I'm presuming that little white anemone is aiptasia? At least I hope it is, because I've killed it dead.
He does however have a bigger brother -
Who I haven't had the heart to kill yet, although I know it's inevitable. I haven't got any corals in there for it to decimate, and it's the only living thing I see in the tank really. So I'm using it as a bit of an indicator.
This little "mussel-like" fella is a bi-valve of some sort? Is he going to tear a path of destruction through my tank or will he play nicely? Either way, I'm presuming a mantis will destroy it.
A dead bristleworm. A great photo I'm sure you'll agree. These things make it very scary for me to put my hand in the tank. There are some in there that are still alive, and are the size of giant fat caterpillars. Will this be beneficial to my tank? Or will they destroy everything like godzilla did to tokyo?
I also had a serpent (dead) and some small asterina starfish that I haven't seen in a while.
Is it bad that so many hitchikers are dying? I'm presuming they're just helping the cycle?
So where do I go from here?
I don't currently have a marine test kit (that's also on the list), but, I was told that my API freshwater test kit will work in saltwater, and that it's a scam to make you buy the marine one. Either way, results on sunday were
Ammonia - 4.0 (test went cloudy though. Looked like it was a falsse reading)
Nitrite - 0.25
Nitrate - Not tested.
Can i use the API fresh kit in saltwater? It'd be great if I could....
So where am I today?
The bigger rock on the right hand side is getting the bloom on it very thick (pictures to follow) and if the API kit is given the go ahead, I'll take more params.
I have on hold at an LFS a new mantis (£30
) and I go away for a week on thrusday (great time for cycling I thought). Would he be ready to add after that? I'm very prepared to take this slowly (even if my original 10g bungle says otherwise).
Any advice gratefully recceived!