My plakat pictures are here!

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Apr 26, 2005
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Kenowhere WI

Well, as was the majority vote, I went and got my plakat today he sure is a big boy too, he has red finnage with the blue stripes, and a very bright blue top fin. He may verywell be a giant or have some giant in him, he just seems so large. Pictures coming soon, as my girlfriend forgot her camera, oops. But she also got a fish, got a girl, which we think it a plakat girl, she was more expensive than the rest of the girls for one, for two, she's huge and her finnage is much larger too. and she's very closely colored to the other 3 plakats they had. look for these two to be bred :D
congrats, your new boy sounds like a cambodian :thumbs: id like to see pics, he sounds nice. as for his size, he could possibly be a giant or half-giant, but bettas grow continuously throghout their lives so he may just be older. u'll soon notice that plakats are very agile and tempermental, i got my first one from wuv and he is very differant from my other bettas, he juts has a totally differant take on eveything :D
I doubt that he's much older, this place is really good about getting a lot of betta and a lot of different kinds, that and his 2 other brothers were big too, his girth is just large :lol: he's fun so far -- where about are you at in WI Guppydude? I'm in Kenosha, WI :)
im in south east dodge county.

well if he had siblings there that were also large then there is a good chance that he is a giant, congrats on ur find. i dont make it down to kenosha much, it would take the second comeing of christ or a rock concert to make me drive that far fom my house :D, but may i ask what pet store you boght these fish from?
I got him (and my marble half moon) from Aquatics Unlimited in milwaukee They have, as of right now, plakats, veils, a crown or two, half moons, and super deltas :) There is a fish shop down here in Kenosha that sells the most awesome Crowns around (its where I got fozzy and kramer from and they're moving and having a buy one get one free sale soon :D
And without further waiting, here they are in all their Plakaty goodness..







Aaannd the girl.



Whatcha think? ;D
We don't know for sure, it's really hard to tell plakats from veils in female form unfortunatly, but her color and finnage shapes and everything was really close to the male plakats, not to mention she was in the more expensive area. :) If anyone has any guesses feel free to guess.
Yeah, I was wondering about the size of her tail too... I keep watching her swim around and keep thinking... geez... that's huge. It's bigger than the male's. Well, guess we'll have to change her man, now... haha. But we've got a super-delta/half moon that's looking better and better now. :)
yea its a delta :p just compared pictures of my gurlies to yours nice find :D :thumbs: good job take good care of her she is worth it!

PS breed the plakat and delta :D hehe i would! im gonna breed my double tail and crown tail :p :whistle:

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