my pictures...first pics ever!!!

:kewlpics: i nev knew mbuna cichlids could live with dwarfs.
snowyangel said:
wuvmybetta said:
Your algae eater looks like an albino kuhli loach, any chance of a close up?
Naw, more like an albino Dojo/weather loach .......plz don't beat me up mod :unsure:
LOL@ don't beat me up :lol:

I agree,it does look like a dojo, all I could see was the little face :lol: It looks just like my little red tailed zebras (except it's pale)
y cant dwarfs and mbuna live together? theve been in there for 2 weeks together and have been doing fine. If i see any problems i will remove from tank IMMEDIATLY!! so far they seem to like eachother, they all sleep together by the rocks, cept the blue dwarf who is busy making a bubble nest.

do dojos eat algae? if not i need a new algae eater.
As far as I know dojos/weather loaches will eat algae to a certain degree but are primeraly scavangers and will eat from the bottom of the tank anything that your other fish miss. They are a good addition to a tank because they help get rid of some of the uneaten food. I think that an algae eater would be a good addition to the tank though. Do not get a common plec as they grow between 12-24 inch eventually. Something like an oto or smaller plec would be good. Otos are quite expensive though and it is advisable to get more than one as they are a schooling fish. I have 4 of these little things and they are never very far apart from each other.
Good luck
The reason why mbuna cn't be kept with other tropical fishes is because they are very agrisive and territorial

however labidochromis caeruleus tend to be an exception they are one of the least agrisive mbuna, still by far more agrisive then most other tropicals

They get 5 inches i think that's bigger than a loach but it doesn't matter it would beat it up if it was bigger, BUT maybe not several people have had luck with keeping labs with community fish and if yours have such varying strains they are most likely far removed from any wild fish so the water conditions will be less of a problem

keep an eye on them they don't look full grown but they will be more agrisive when they are bigger, So if you want to keep your labs in a non-mbuna tank just keep an eye on them

ok thx for all the gonna post more pics tomorrow...i cut my plants and replanted for more growth. looks alot better. ill show my female gourami just added also.
yep looks like a loach, and I was wondering why someone was keeping gouramis with aggressive cichlids. You might want to trade the cichlids for some rams or Kribs, they are a bit more peaceful than those fellows.
my lfs man told me "yea thell b fine together"!!! this is making me mad. ill keep good care of them all though. the pic 7 mbuna is growning really fast.

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