My Pearl Danio Is Acting Drunk!

Did you try a swimbladder treatment? That would help if it's a bacterial infection of the swimbladder, though it sounds like too much damage has been done already. In the UK Interpret do a treatment for swimbladders, but I'm sure other places have something similar.

It's worth answering Wilder's other questions in relation to all your fish. If you have any bent spines, bloating or looking overly thin, it could be internal parasites. I'd keep a very close eye on them all for a bit, just incase the swim bladder issue was caused by something else. I had two get swimbladder problems after having worms.
Sadly he's in a bad way and not going to make it, sorry.
Watch out for long stringy white poo.
Thanks all for your help.

I currently have him wobbling around in a tub on top of the tank. I've read up on his symptoms since I got home and it looks like it could be one of many things, including TB, parasites, swim bladder infections and all sorts. Apparently very few people have been successfull in recovering a fish with this ailment and the only reliable way of diagnosing, is post mortem.....oh well! Chances of him pulling through are minimal I think. I've read that feeding peas can help. I've popped half a shelled pea in with him but it's bigger than his head. (I think this advice was for bigger fish)

I'll see how he is in the morning, but I think it may be best to put him out of his misery.

All my other fish are ok, but I will keep a close eye on them.

If I was supersticious, I'd put it down to me having 13 fish.
You could try the peas but once they start rolling never seem to make it sorry.
He's been isolated for a few days now and he didn't seem to be getting any better. I chilled a large glass of water overnight and my g/f filled it with ice cubes this morning and dropped him in. It was over in a couple of seconds....much better than him suffering anymore. I couldn't of done it myself, even though I knew it was for the thanks Ju. Thanks all, for all your help!

I look forward to getting to know a few people here.

Sorry bless him R.I.P.

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