My other Mollie


New Member
May 11, 2003
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Okay, I lost one of my Balloon Mollies to what looked like a fungus. I went ahead and treated my tank. My other Mollie is now hanging out at the bottom of the tank, and hiding out. One of my platys was too, but I coaxed her out and she's swimming around normally now. Anyway, the Mollie does not appear sick, or showing signs of the fungus. He came out to eat, but only briefly, and then went back to hiding. Should I be worried, or is he just acting like this because there are no other mollies in the tank? If it's because he's the only Mollie how soon can I add another one? I don't want to add a new fish, just for it to get sick.
Thanks for your help!
The platy moved from the bottom of the tank to the surface. Nothing appeared to be visually wrong except for the fact that she wasn't swimming around. I didn't notice her gasping or anything. She died within the hour. As soon as I removed the dead platy from the tank my Mollie started swimming around and acting normally. The other fish seem fine and none of them have the same symptoms that the first Mollie died from. The platy that died did not have those symptoms either. I treated the whole tank for whatever fungus the Mollie had. Tomorrow I will do another water change, and check all my levels again. The other 2 platys seem fine right now, and the zebra danios are as active as always. I don't think anything affects them LOL. I'm gonna keep an eye on the remaining Mollie. Is there anything else I should do? Any disease that I might be missing that I should keep my eye out for? The platy did not have any visible signs of disease, but the Mollie had what appeared to be a fungus (white cottony which turned into a white film). Thanks for your help!!
P.S. I took the carbon out of the filters when treating for the disease. I did 2 rounds of the medicine and plan to put the carbon back in tomorrow when I do the water change. Is this right?
I have a feeling I'm going to lose the other Mollie. He's just laying on the bottom of the aquarium. Is there not anyone who has a suggestion? PLEASE!!!
as far as the medication, you should leave it in there as long as the package recommends. Try adding some aquarium salt to the tank. Mollies like salt. Also keep the light off to help with stress levels. I'm afraid i don't have any other suggestions at the moment, just keep an eye on it and hopefull it will pull through. Mollies aren't a schooling fish so i don't think it is really lonely. Is it being picked on at all?

It also might help if you post your water parameters.

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