My other fish who is sick :(


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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I have an other fish that I seprated out of my tiny little tank and he is about 8 months old. Anyways I put him in a bowl because I think he is dieing and let him die in peace instead of snails jumping down on him.

Anyways he got very sick and I think he is a beta type. I wish I could get a side shot but i have a old pic of him in the tank and was told he is from the beta family. Anyways he had like some sores and not sure if it was from glancing because of a parasite. I ended up using a medical dip and started using a bit of salt in the water to help. It went away almost but now has come back. It seems to scab over with white stuff and I have gave him more medicated baths but he isnt seem to be getting better. he also today pooped blood or urinated blood. Anyways blood came from that area.

Anyways he is taken out and in a mixing bowl with some gravel and since this type breaths air like from the top of the tank dont have to worry about air in the water.

Anyways here is some pictures of the sores.

No idea how to get him better.

this is when he was healthy. cant seem to find the other pics i had of him/her.


and here is it sick. In this first pic he has only a tiny part.


and here is the other side


a bit more worse.

also had on the first time some tail rot but his back fins seem to come back and the left fin when facing ya was pretty chewed up and now it seems to be getting a bit worse on both sides.

He also is eating and when he was in the tank just sat at the top.

Any ideas?

Get some remedys from your LFS something antibacterial (Maracyn I/II, Triple Sulfa, Kanacyn) any of them should do it.

add Melafix (you can get it at ur LFS) it would help him heal

and check your water parameters, something must be wrong in your tank, check ammonia, nitrites and nitrates maybe their levels are way off.
Sorry to read about your problems :(

I think the fish is a gourami by the way. Sorry if I am mistaken. I'd also recommend a fungus type treatment with meafix too (this isn't an actual med, is herbal so can be used with meds).

Good Luck :)
Cheese Specialist is right, you do have a gourami there.

I would treat him with Maracyn and Maracyn II as recommended earlier.
Also, if it is possible you might buy a tank larger than that 2.5 gallon one for him. Does the water temp stay fairly constant, or does it get heated by the light bulb and then cool overnight? If so, that might be stressful on the fish.
Seems to get heated while the day then cool overnight.

I dont have a big place so nowhere to put a tank unless i put it on my old tv. Also dont have the cash yet but eventually I will get a bigger aquarium.

The lightbulb in that tank is just a 2 volt or somethng. Not very bright.

and is a gourami from the beta family?

since this fish is some kind of beta i was told.

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