My Oscar! -.-

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Where the goldfish gone.
29 gallons is NOT the correct size for an oscar. You need 100 gallon + . These fish grow very large, over 12 inches in length ,are strong and hefty in the body and produce a LOT of waste.

75G would house one oscar comfortably if it had the correct footprint.
i know 29gallon anit much, as i have been trying to do, save up for a 300G+ tank, thanks guys for giving me a little bit info on his length
how big is your oscar, as a baby your 29gal is fine. He will need a 75+ gal tank though. Mine is in a 130gal. As for tankmates, when you get a larger tank, Oscars do pretty good with other fish of the same size and temperment. Mine shares a tank with a Black Crappie and a White Bass. And all 3 of them shoal together in the tank, its actually quite funny to watch, but anyway, start saving for a bigger tank, check craigslist, you can score big tanks for very little. Good luck.
thanks "TheBigEasy" , right now hes chilling in the tank, and for indigoj, calm down poor fish what? if you read through my post on this topic, as i said, im saving up for a 300G+ tank, so calm down, thanks for sharing your thoughts
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