My newest fish

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yeah they all have deformed mouths.

Synirr im not being a smart ass here but im givieng you advise, that midas will rip apart your oscar with a year the oscar will not be able to stick up for its self once the midas knows the tank and figures out he is king, Midas and Red Devil tend to charge at Oscars. It will be ok for about 3 or so months then the midas will start on the oscar. Your Midas will become a killer with in about 6 months or so or when they hit the 6-7" mark.
How big is he now?
NICI here [Vip's girlfriend] Hey babe im no expert on fish but i do know thats definately NOT a Blood Parrot! If you look in our previous post's you can see our Blood Parrot and out Midas/Red Devil and you can notice the difference without looking to hard. Try not to put all your trust in you LFS just because there nice to you they will do/say anything to sell you things thats how they suck you in. :p and from experience i have seen an Ocar close to death from a Midas/Red Devil so once again be carefull! Damian put the Red Devil with the Oscar and they were punching on big time the Red Devil had no hesitation.

PS: Does that poor fish have trouble swimming with no tale?? -_-

NiCi :*
Ron said:
oh and, I've never heard of anybody being on good terms with their LFS owner, they are not one bit knowledgable about fish.
:huh: i happen to be on very good terms with my lfs owner. and all the workers at my lfs are very knowledgable about fish
VIP, your little miss GIRLFRIEND seems to be just as ignorant as you..........

You HONESTLY believe, being a BP owner yourself, that they ALL HAVE DEFORMED MOUTHS!?????????????

Right there in itself is reason enough for poor synirr to not believe anything you have to say on the matter of BPs -_- :rolleyes:

Some people just don't know that facts or bother to do research.

That little fish could very well be BP...... who gives a damn about the coloring!!! :lol: :dunno:
Natural-colored BPs can be a variety of colors and many MANY MANY Blood Parrots are born with proper mouth functions. There are many different blood lines in todays BPs

And VIPs GIRLFRIEND, since this is how you addressed yourself, did you even read synirr's posts???? I hope synirr isn't stupid enough to take your comment as an actual concern....
PS: Does that poor fish have trouble swimming with no tale?? was purely a jab, nothing more :sick:
silver said:
VIP, your little miss GIRLFRIEND seems to be just as ignorant as you..........

You HONESTLY believe, being a BP owner yourself, that they ALL HAVE DEFORMED MOUTHS!?????????????

Right there in itself is reason enough for poor synirr to not believe anything you have to say on the matter of BPs -_- :rolleyes:

Some people just don't know that facts or bother to do research.

That little fish could very well be BP...... who gives a damn about the coloring!!! :lol: :dunno:
Natural-colored BPs can be a variety of colors and many MANY MANY Blood Parrots are born with proper mouth functions. There are many different blood lines in todays BPs

And VIPs GIRLFRIEND, since this is how you addressed yourself, did you even read synirr's posts???? I hope synirr isn't stupid enough to take your comment as an actual concern....
PS: Does that poor fish have trouble swimming with no tale?? was purely a jab, nothing more :sick:
you need to seriuosly chill out silver..

and that is no way a blood parrot ;) its aa midas hybrid (like most)

i am 100% sure of that.
Holy sh*t, Silver, did you forget to take your medication today? What the hell is wrong with you? You have some serious issues. You're Deffinatly one of those 'creeps' of the world that have nothing better to do than to sit on the internet and fight with some people in Australia on weather or not the fish of a person that lives in Texas is a Midas or a BP? You have children right? why don't you pry yourself away from your treaured internet and go spend some time with those poor kids. I'm glad my mom always had time to raise me when i was a kid instead of sitting on the internet bi*tc*ing at people half way around the world about a fish!!!!
-cAtFiSh- said:
Ron said:
oh and, I've never heard of anybody being on good terms with their LFS owner, they are not one bit knowledgable about fish.
:huh: i happen to be on very good terms with my lfs owner. and all the workers at my lfs are very knowledgable about fish
Congrats, I'll be sure to write you down in my little book that I carry around of all the people who are on good terms with their LFS! :rolleyes:
silver said:
VIP, your little miss GIRLFRIEND seems to be just as ignorant as you..........

You HONESTLY believe, being a BP owner yourself, that they ALL HAVE DEFORMED MOUTHS!?????????????

Right there in itself is reason enough for poor synirr to not believe anything you have to say on the matter of BPs -_- :rolleyes:

Some people just don't know that facts or bother to do research.

That little fish could very well be BP...... who gives a damn about the coloring!!! :lol: :dunno:
Natural-colored BPs can be a variety of colors and many MANY MANY Blood Parrots are born with proper mouth functions. There are many different blood lines in todays BPs

And VIPs GIRLFRIEND, since this is how you addressed yourself, did you even read synirr's posts???? I hope synirr isn't stupid enough to take your comment as an actual concern....
PS: Does that poor fish have trouble swimming with no tale?? was purely a jab, nothing more :sick:
And your calling them ignorant? Chill out its just a fish...
im going to bring this up again. Example : but if we just stopped buying fish from fish shops they would sooner or later close down, and the same goes for buying dyed fish. i dont mean to point fingers im just underlining an important subject within fish keeping. :/
wow guys really off topic. you both could very well be sorrect the fish may be too young to tell.



If you all look closely at those links and at the fish in question the fish shares qualities of both fish. The big eyes are like the blood parrots eyes. the body shape is that of a midas.
You both could be correct and if possible it could be a parrot midas cross.
slamster17 said:
You both could be correct and if possible it could be a parrot midas cross.
That's what I thought from the get-go, but my LFS owner seemed sure it was a BP at first, so that's what I was calling it... I've heard of BPs being severum/midas hybrids, so I thought maybe that was the case with mine.
Whatever it is, I bought another. My LFS could use the space, and were willing to give me 50% off if I'd take the other one I was interested in home *lol*. The LFS's owner's husband was filling in for her today, and he said he wasn't sure what the supposed sweetheart blood parrots are :lol:! I told him no one on TFF could agree on it, either.
I'm watching them closely, and if either gets aggressive (as you guys seem sure they will,) I'll be more than happy to supply them with tanks of their own... even if it's the death of my wallet :S

And guys, seriously, stop fighting. I agree with those of you who dislike dyed fish, and I agree with those of you who think breeding fish to be tailless is wrong, too. The point is that my LFS wasn't going to reorder these anyway, so I'm not encouraging either of those things by buying these guys... I'm simply giving some fish a home, so they don't have to stay in a crowded 15 gallon with their 10 siblings anymore.
I don't think we're ever going to be able to agree on what these fish actually are, so until they grow up and give us some more clues, let's just agree to disagree. This is supposed to be a firendly forum, after all.
Synirr said:
This is supposed to be a firendly forum, after all.
Key word here is "supposed", after being here after 1 year I find that isn't always the case.
Well hey, can't blame me for trying to direct things in the right direction, can you? ;)
silver said:
1: VIP, your little miss GIRLFRIEND seems to be just as ignorant as you..........

2: You HONESTLY believe, being a BP owner yourself, that they ALL HAVE DEFORMED MOUTHS!?????????????

3: That little fish could very well be BP

4: And VIPs GIRLFRIEND, since this is how you addressed yourself, did you even read synirr's posts???? I hope synirr isn't stupid enough to take your comment as an actual concern....
PS: Does that poor fish have trouble swimming with no tale?? was purely a jab, nothing more :sick:
1: Im not ignorant nor is my girl friend, when i know im right on somthing i will stress the point.

2: Show me a blood parrot without a deformed mouth.

3: No it isnt.

4: I was in the shower when i told her to ask for me, and i do truly want to know does it have swimming problems at all.

For you Synirr, this is a SweetHeart Blood Parrot, my advise to you is take the Midas Back as it is way to agressive for your tank and will end up killing most of your fish and ask for a real SweetHeart Blood Parrot because at least then you will have a fish that can kick a Oscars butt but it wont kill it seeing as they do not have the same agression levels as a Midas Cichlid, your choice but thats my advise.


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