My New Tank


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Hi all,
This is my new tank (second one), been in the hobby about a year and fairly pleased with how this one's turned out.
I'm going to try adding some riccia to the tank although wondered how people find vacing the bottom of the tank if it spreads right out, the sand is a little awkward as it is.
Any ideas for improvements would be well recieved.
i like it as it is, i like the clean uncluttered look. :)
I'm going to try adding some riccia to the tank although wondered how people find vacing the bottom of the tank if it spreads right out, the sand is a little awkward as it is.
Riccia is a floating plant, you can tie it down onto rocks and wood, and it will spread to cover these, but you cant grow it in sand.
The thing with riccia is unless you have it floating, you need higher light.

I think your tank looks very nice with the bright sand and black background, and very natural with the real plants and bogwood. Even the bubbles have a nice effect :good: .

Btw what's the plant behind the bogwood? I don't recognise it, is it plastic?

You should get a few corydoras for your tank, they would love the sand :good: .
i love it
i was thinking about getting some cardinal tetras and after seeing them in your setup i am going to go for it now
You should get a few corydoras for your tank, they would love the sand :good: .

Oooo, or some small loached of some kind.

Very nice looking tank. :good: Some java moss on your driftwood would look pretty cool.
three-fingers, it says in her sig. that she has 2 leopard corys but i would suggest getting some more as they like groups 5-6 or more :good: nice tank
Thanks for all the positive comments.
Three-fingers, I'm really not sure what the plant is but if you're interested let me know and I'll put some close up pictures of it on here and hopefully some clever bod can tell us both. It's been in this tank and one before for about six months and it's thriving.
I'm planning on getting four more corys to make the group up to six, but then unfortunately I'm out of space.
Matt295, with a name like esxdave what is it made you think I was a she, lol?! :blink:

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