My New Tank


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Nr Chester
Hey all,

I've not been around for a while, I've been SO busy in RL is been silly.

Well now xmas has passed I've finally got the money for my new tank, well I will when I sell my Corydora fry :hyper:

Now I've been thinking about the stocking again and I've had a few changes of heart over what fish I wanted.

This is the old List:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2 (Already have)
• Polypterus Delhezi x 2
• Channa gachua x 3
• Clownloach x 2 (Already have 1)
• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1 (Already have)
• L001 x 1 (Already have)
• L168 x 1 (Already have)
• Bristlenose Plec x 1 (Already have)
• Peacock Eel x 2
• False Siamese tiger fish (Coius microlepis) x 1
• Male Firemouth Cichlid x 1

And here is the new list:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2 (Already have)
• Polypterus Delhezi x 1
• Channa gachua x 1
• Clownloach x 3 (Already have 1)
• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1 (Already have)
• L001 x 1 (Already have)
• L168 x 1 (Already have)
• Siamese tiger fish (wide bar OR thin bar) x 1
• Oscar x 1

both the Oscar and STF will grow to around 15", I was worried that maybe the Oscar would eat some of the fish on the list.

I will be buying all these fish at around 3-5", except:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2
• Clownloach x 2 (Need 1 More)

• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1
• L001 x 1
• L168 x 1

As I already have these and are 3-8", and I as for the clownloach I dont have I'll be paying the extra for a large one.

This is the old thread, which I thought I would let die, as decision have been made there and people would more than likely pick up on points that had already been resolved.

Anyway more about the tank:

• Tank - 4'x2'x2'

• 300w heaters x2
• Fluval 405 External Filter
• Fluval 305 External Filter
• Sand substrate
• Fake plants (siliconed to the tank)
• Large rocks (siliconed to the tank)
• Pipes - Covered in stones (siliconed to the tank)
• Fake floating plants (Possibly)

I havent looked into lighting as of yet, it all depends on what fitting come with the tank, as I need to find this out when I buy it. (Its a custom made tank)

Thanks, for any help :good:
ARGH! I went to get an L168 yesterday, and it was still in the tank....

but it was marked sold! :angry: flunder/butterfly Plecs are SO AWESOME.

I debated on getting a fluval instead of the aquaclear 70 I just put on, But I don't know where the heck I'd put it and still have the tank look normal without a huge box to the side :blink:

good to see ya back studz


I'd like to see real plants. It's possible to do. You'd need to get some nice lights though...
Not to sure about many fish lol, but my brothers oscars are damn hearted agressive, anything abit smaller then half there size theyll try to kill.

My brother buys a bala, puts him in and you can guess what happens, so i put him in my tank with my sick id, ohhhh boy.
Hey Gank it has been a while and thanks for the welcome back.

My L168 is amazing but I dont see it much :sad:

The problem with real plants is that a lot of the fish I'm going to put in the tank will uproot, or eat them. My 20gal tank is planted, and that tank is being moved into my 32gall in the living room when I get this new tank. And It will be planted then :)

I've thoght about Living floating plants for the tank, as the shade will help with some of the shier fish.

I spoke to CFC last night about the new stock list and he said to scrap the oscar due to aggression, and go for something else, such as a Pim or Knife Fish. So here is the new list:

• Polypterus Senegalus x 2
• Polypterus Delhezi x 1
• Channa gachua x 1
• Clownloach x 3
• Synodontis Ocellifer x 1
• L001 x 1
• L168 x 1
• Siamese tiger fish (wide bar OR thin bar) x 1
• Royal Knifefish x 1
• Pimelodus Blochii or Ornatus x 1 (I'd prefer the Ornatus)

I've emailed N D Aquatics from Aquarists Classified about the new tank as they seem to be the cheapest, inc. Delivery. going ask for extra holes so I can have the two externals on it.

When I finally move out next year sometime I think I'll be looking at setting up an oscar tank, as I've always wanted one or five :D :fun:
im liking the sound of this oddball tank i cant wait to see it up and running :good:
good luck


I'm off to the not-so-LFS today to see what I can get for the new setup,
I bought a 2' peice of bogwood the other week for £11 :D the normal price should have been £25, but they lubb me :D plus I spend hundreds in their shop.

They were ment to ring me week before last with a quote on a tank, but they didnt, so sending the heavies in today ;)

Last trip was sad to be honest, it was coming up to xmas and they usually have lots of oddballs etc, but they have changed their substrates to pea gravel from sand, and the tanks were full of guppies and platies etc.. I know its for the xmas trade of people buying fish for xmas, but TBH a guppy wont provide much of a meal :fun: turkey or duck would have been better, :lol:

Hopefully they will have some decent fish in again now, might be able to pick up a delhezi or a small knifefish, as it can go in one of my other tanks until it gets bigger, they normally have nifes in at around 2-3" and Delhezi's the same, so they can grow a bit before I get the BIG tank.

hrm... just need some money to buy them with :S lol
how big do royal knives get?are they aggresive like some clowns?

According to CFC they are the same Genus, but they are most social and you dont get the highly agressive fish like the Clowns.
The royals have a nicer pattern too.

I did look in the not-so-lfs for one today, but they only had Ghosts and African Knifefish. I've got a Royal on Order hopfully a 6" one.
I was looking to see if I could get some of the fish for stocking now, giving them time to grow a little more before going into the BIG tank.

They didnt have any large Clownloaches but I'm going to reserve two tommorrow as they are getting a delivery of large clown loaches :D yay!!

I did buy two Dwarf Puffers though, :fun: . The not-so-lfs manager wasnt in, so I wasnt able to get my quote on the new tank, I'm gonna ring tommorrow to speak to him, also going to get a price for my Corydora trilineatus fry, that they are buying.

I went to Pets @ home in Wrexham (UK), as well, because my GF wanted to go look at the tanks, as she is looking to upgrade her goldfish setup.
And guess what I found, of all the places I found this fish, I've been after one for around 8 months, and I finally got one. A Polypterus delhezi!!! :hyper: it was marked up as an orante :blink: I asked the girl near by for a price and she said "£26.99" and I said "no thats for the Orante and this is a Delhezi", so she was like "ok, I'll go ask the manager" She comes back and the says "the manager says its an Orante but it hasnt coloured up yet as its small" so I asked to speak to the manager.

This like lad comes out, looking a little wet behind the ears (not wet as in tank water) and begins to tell me "it IS! an ornate, as thats what I ordered three Orantes" the tanks had a 9" P.senegalus and a 4" P.senegalus and the P.delhezi.
So said the Orantes are more or less black, with a light golden brown under belly and golden/orange markings (a rough image) he then said "Do you think the world's no1 supplier of tropical fish would not know what fish they importing?" I laughed at him, and walked away, calling over my shoulder "I'll take that Delhezi anyway, I've been after one for a while to go in my Polypterus collection" ok so I only have 3 now but meh!

The shop assisstant appologised for the way the manager had been, I wasnt annoyed just disgusted that the manager would come out with such rubbish.

anyway in case your thinking I may have been wrong here's the pics of the new fishes.

Dwarf Puffers:

Polypterus delhezi:

Well I've put the Delhezi in with the Senegalus (x2) which are about twicde his size, there was some head swinging and some face offs between them when he first went in. The same thing happened when I added the second Senegalus, but they are all fine now, looks like its gonna be a lovely tank when I get it :wub:
wow this tank sounds like its going to be great studz, good luck. :good: although i personally want a 4x2x2 myself :sly:

:lol: at your argument with the manager, go you! :kana: very nice del you got there, nice DPs too. :look:
wow this tank sounds like its going to be great studz, good luck. :good: although i personally want a 4x2x2 myself :sly:

:lol: at your argument with the manager, go you! :kana: very nice del you got there, nice DPs too. :look:

:hyper: lol

Thanks, I'll let you drool of the pics when the tank is running :D
Well, I've finally orderedmy tank,it willhopefully be here in about two weeks.
I think I will need toleave the tank stand so the silicone can set for three days when it gets here, gives me chance to go out and buy some extras if I havent already got them.

So far I've got:
- 2' (maybe 3') peice of bogwood
- 2 smallish peices of monapi
- a bunch of fake plants (but need more)
- some drainage piping for caves (These are in my 32gal tank atm)

I'm also thinking about getting those plastic backing faces for the tank instead of the normal boring printed pictures.

I may add some real floating plants to give some of the top level and and mid level fish some shelter.

I still need to buy a bag of sand for the substrate, a tub of tetra complete substrate for the 32gallon as it will become a planted tank, I'll also need to buy a lighting system for the new tank, but I'll wait for it to arrive to see what it needs, as I forgot to ask lol.

I'll prob go with two 18" strip lights or such like. I dont want the tank TOO bright I have a few shy fish to go in it, like the plecs and hopfully a pimelodus orante. :D
i would also add another occifeller.the one u have now will be more active.
ive had the same confrontation with a lfs manager.he had a delhezi and marked and priced it for a i ,being that i like a challenger to my knowledge, decided to go round for round with him.i ended up giving him evidence that it was a delhezi and he marked it up from $ he belives me if i say a fish is something else.
and i heard a way to keep plant in the ground use something basically like a UGF grate an let the plant grow donw into it and get intwinded then put it in your main tank and bury not too sure how it would work but it sounded like a good idea to me.
any pics?
i would also add another occifeller.the one u have now will be more active.
ive had the same confrontation with a lfs manager.he had a delhezi and marked and priced it for a i ,being that i like a challenger to my knowledge, decided to go round for round with him.i ended up giving him evidence that it was a delhezi and he marked it up from $ he belives me if i say a fish is something else.
and i heard a way to keep plant in the ground use something basically like a UGF grate an let the plant grow donw into it and get intwinded then put it in your main tank and bury not too sure how it would work but it sounded like a good idea to me.
any pics?

any pics of what?

I have also created a document about Polypterus to give that crappy manager lol.
But alass I left it on the side it fell off and got crumpled so I need to print it again and get it sent off.

I thought two syno's would fight? does if have to be another occifeller, or could I add a different species? such as the one spot or a feather fin?

I need some more higher level fish as most the fish are bottom dwellers exept the S.tigerfish amd the c.gaucha or b.bleheri depent on what I get ;)

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