My New Tank


New Member
Oct 15, 2003
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New York
What other fish go good w/ these? what plants or items should be added? any other suggestions are appreciated, thanks!!

Golden Algae Eater

Marble Lyretail Molly

Pearl White Molly


Male & Female Beta
What size tank are we talking about? Some plecos grow to huge sizes and need tanks to match!! Also beware the golden algea eaters, some people have had problems with them being aggressive to other fish and they ahve been known to suck off the slime coating and eyeballs of other fish!
Bettas are best left in small species tanks as they can be delicate and do not do well when kept with other fish.
Hello BZimon :D

Are you new to fishkeeping? Have you already bought these fish? I ask because the list you posted is a rather strange combination. CFC has already told you the problems you could run into with them, so I won't elaborate except to say that you should not plan to keep a male and female betta in the same tank except to breed them.

Sometimes we find that a new hobbiest goes to a fish shop (lfs) and gets sold some really terrible assortments of fish by clerks who either don't know any better or just don't care about their customer's well being. I hope this has not happened to you. It is a disappointing way to get introduced to the hobby. :eek:

So, let's take it from here. What size tank do you have? What fish? :unsure:
Welcome to the forum.

Have you already got these fish or are you just planning them? Because if you have already got them, you've got major problems.

The first and most worrying thing that occurs to me is that a Golden Algae Eater (aka Chinese Algae Eater) is a very large, vicious fish totally unsuited to most communities. It will kill your bettas sooner or later.

Male bettas are not good community fish and bettas hate their own kind - even a mate. You need to get that male out of there ASAP. If you have already got a male better, put him on his own in a small tank - he'll be a lot happier.

The worrying thing about common plecos is the vast size they grow into and the huge amount of poop they produce. If you have one you have to be prepared to buy a large tank later on.

If this is a newly set up tank, you could probably do with having a read of my article - follow the link in my sig.
I have a 5 & 2 Gallon, should i just stick to mollies? so my Golden Algae Eater isnt good? along w/ the betas? right now in my 2 gallow i have 8 frys that the white pearl molly just gave birth to, thanks a lot for the input!
BZimon said:
I have a 5 & 2 Gallon, should i just stick to mollies? so my Golden Algae Eater isnt good? along w/ the betas? right now in my 2 gallow i have 8 frys that the white pearl molly just gave birth to, thanks a lot for the input!
I suggest you put the bettas in their own little tanks because bettas are hermit fish - they like being alone.

Mollies are great fish but will grow to about 3" long each, so you'll need a 20 gallon at least to accomodate them.

The CAE is definitely a bad idea - in fact, "Don't buy a CAE" is high on my list of newbie no-nos (see the pinned post in the beginner section). They are nightmare fish!

I have a soft spot for plecos but I wouldn't have one due to the enormous size they grow. It would probably be better to rehome it now if its a common pleco - once they get over a certain size, no one wants them :(
Any more input? any new fishies recomended that get along well with my current fish? or any good plants or items i should get?? thanks a lot of all the input!

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