My New Tank Setup

Yes, exactly what I was talking about. Its fine. The important part is that water from throughout the tank is being moved across the surface where the air is. Spashing surface disturbance carries no more extra benefit than bubbles, and that's been shown to deceptive in that we tend to think its adding more O2 than it really is - in fact that was one of the more counterintuitive things I learned here on TFF early on, that bubbles from airstones etc. do not really add much "surface area"!

That being said, I still find it fun to vary the amount of surface disturbance depending on my mood - sometimes some splashing is just nice, like bubbles!

just remember your volume of water will change when put rocks in by the looks of it you have set thetank up well i have neon guppy and mollies in one of my tanks you can get different colours and styles and they are hardy fish too
Well after my Ammonia and nitrites dissapearing after 12 hours (done it a few times to check) i have gone round to Dobbies and purchased a "heard" of male guppies, 5 to be precise, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 1 orange.

Came out of a tank of all male guppies, which i must say all seemed suprisingly well behaved considering how small a space they had! No problems yet, they all seem quiet happy exploring their new tank. Next on the list should it all go well will be some cherry shrimps i think!

So whats the practice now, just keep checking the water every 12, 24, or 48 hours? i shouldnt run into any major spikes since the tank is now cycled?

Thanks guys (special thanks for waterdrop and miss wiggle!!) for getting me this far!
yeah just keep checking the water, start off every 12 hrs for the first couple of days, then ease back to daily, after 2/3 weeks (assuming you have no problems of course) you can go to testing every couple of days and eventually down to weekly tests.

shouldn't have any spikes, there's a lot of variables so occasionally it does happen, if that's the case it's just water change water change water change to keep ammonia and nitrite is low as possible, but by doing the fishless cycle you've done as much as is possible to mitigate the changes of this happening. :good:

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