Live life, don't let it live you!
I have redone my tank and yesterday I bought some silk plants that fit in nicely, and my betta used to just sit on the heater all day, now he swims around everywhere! I'm going to put a picture on here as soon as I get hold of a camera. If anyone is thinking of setting up a tank with a betta in, I deffinately recommend them using silk plants, my heater is set at 80 degrees, and my filter is on the lowest setting, he looks so happy and for the first time today I showed him a mirror and he was flaring at it, he has flared before but i've never used a mirror, he just used to flare at the female. How long a day should I use a mirror on him? Also, how long should I keep my light on a day? It's a spotlight and it gets hot, I used it as a heater before I bought one as it does provide quite alot of heat, but he seems to like it. Thanks in advance,