My New Rats

My learning continues, Daph is a black roan.

They love hammocks and apples :lol:
new cage

Can anyone enlighten me on which substrate is best, please? I've heard sawdust is bad for them.
Rats get huge once they are full grown but still they remain cute!! I once used to have a pair of rats about the same size of yours or a bit smaller but one of them ended up in the fangs of my cousin's Goliath tarantula when he was roaming free in the living when suddenly the tarantula got him from under the sofa!! I barely slept that night.
Jeez, what was the spider doing out, would have scared me :sad:

I got 2 freddy cages joined as one, massive it is :crazy:
me and my brother got a couple of rats about 3-4 years ago, def one of my favorite pets :good: used to be really friendly and sleep tucked up in my hoody pocket, definately getting one when i get my own place
Hi there, we have always had rats, used to have gerbils n hamsters, but once you have had a rat you are hooked, you chose right, females are more playfull and smaller than the male who would rather sleep all day as they are rather lazy, don't use sawdust or wood shavings, we used a cheap cat litter or paper shavings as floor covering, (as rats suffer from respiratry problems) they are also great escape artists, however if one ever got out they soon came out of the woodwork by calling them (they would come by name)and holding a tasty treat such as a bannana or piece of cake, a little tip, as they are sadly prone to chest problems and frequent trips to the vet were inevitable for antibiotics, we found that a crushed tablet in a jam sandwich never failed, the more you interact with them the more tame they will become, as soon as one comes out on you while holding a treat the others will soon follow, sadly there lifespan is only around three years and you get so attached to them losing one breaks your heart, have you seen a dumbo which we also had, I would wear old clothes when you have them out as they are great nibblers and will go through a cardigan and a leather settee like a dose of salts, if they are to quite behind a cushion, then they are up to something so expect a hole somewhere :lol: I am now looking to start into tropical fish, but miss my rats.
I left their cage doors open last night and put the cage on the floor, 2 roamed out but only sat ontop of the cage.
With cage in middle of room they will stay on or near their home, however rats by nature dont like open spaces, now put them next to a wall and they will scuttle along the skirting board with more confidence, we left ours out ( under supervision of course ) and never lost one, they are rather greedy and their stomachs rule their heart, as they have poor sight their nose always tells them when a tasty treat is available, and always came back to you,
That cage is awesome :) Wish I could have more pets...supid uni :grr: can't get a proper house etc till I leave. Until then I am at my landlords mercy. No small furries, but I can have fish. :)
I've taken onboard a doe rat that a local didn't want, she looks the same size as my current girls,so I put her around 12 weeks (?). I have no name for her, she a black hooded, what could I call her?



Daph is above, as now, below was her 2.5 weeks ago;

Her Grey is getting lighter.

Daph, Flo and my new girl;


Out of all 4 girls, Flo likes to eat, always eating whenever the camera comes out :lol:




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